2 computers vista & xp...Problem is sporatic on BOTH computer., sometimes things function fine...Very odd...on the XP computer at times ., specifically sites like MY SPACE. Windows freeze., I dont know if the 2 things are related..

Input is really appreciated, I do clear temp files, de frag and I really dont believe there is a virus..

If it's not a virus then it's a problem with your browser, try another one! Good luck!

I really dont believe there is a virus..

did you do a full scan with your antivirus program and anti/trojan malware tool like www.malwarebytes.org

Well whatever Verizon supplys I do & defrag i do, I clear temp files.

have you tried" ipconfig /flushdns" ?

have you tried" ipconfig /flushdns" ?

no I will ty

no just type this in the run box?

I did type it in the run box & it brings up the black screen and goes away real quickly

in the run box type cmd, then once the cmd comes up type ipconfig /flushdns. it might help, its a good start when things start to get jumpy

in the run box type cmd, then once the cmd comes up type ipconfig /flushdns. it might help, its a good start when things start to get jumpy


could not flush dns ., failed during execution???


could not flush dns ., failed during execution???

what did the error say?


could not flush dns ., failed during execution???

NOTE...problem is confined to both computers at time on my network...Its great to get this information from you all...My only ? is when you do this, I do get into the dns section., however


it seems the command fails? Am I missing something in syntax>?

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