I was wondering about removing win 7.
I recently recovered my hd when i dual booted unbuntu, tried to remove the unbuntu and got an MBR error onto my laptop with the help of Xlphos.
here is the real bugger, what do you do after u have installed win 7 and partition on a vista laptop, how do you remove it? How do you get rid of the dual boot screen option, and remove the partition, and give back the previous partition data space back to vista?

All this without corrupting your original windows vista parition?
I am deathly scared on messing up my MBR, and going through a complete reinstall.

Thanks in advance

Have a look at easy bcd (google it). Use it to reset your mbr to use the vista loader, and then once you have verified that your mbr is in tact (and on the correct partition!), you may delete/recover the partition that you gave to 7.

Thank you scru!
I will take a look into easybcd . Im just getting ready just incase i have to remove win 7. I mean i love it, but with the expiration date, and the extensive amount of work i do on my laptop, i do not want to risk losing data, or even down time again.

Once again thanks!

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