I can't seem to access a certain site. Every and any other site I try to visit works just fine. The website I can't access is called 'rescreatu.com'. Every time I try to visit it, it takes forever to load and then it says: Internet explorer cannot display the page.

I've had this problem before. I used to just switch to a slower network and it would work fine... but now it won't work!

No, the website isn't down for maintenance. I can access it on any of my family members' computers and it works just fine... however, they're annoyed with me and refuse to let me get onto their computers anymore. Plus, I can't mess with the networks anymore.

So now I'm stuck, and I have no idea what's going on.

I had the exact same problem some time back, I couldn't get to my very own website.
Converting to FireFox fixed the problem. :)

I had the exact same problem some time back, I couldn't get to my very own website.
Converting to FireFox fixed the problem. :)

::sighs:: I can't switch to FF, though everybody always pesters me about quitting on IE.

Alright, so I gave in and downloaded FF. I tried it and... it still didn't work. Again, all other websites except Rescreatu were working.

But again, I know it isn't down for maintenance because it works on all other computers. I tried deleting all of my history, restarting, going over diagnostics... Nothing.

What exactly happens?

What exactly happens?

Your questions seems obvious enough, so I'm a bit confused.
Anyway, if you mean what I think you mean, then:

1. I open Internet Explorer.
2. It loads properly and brings me to my homepage.
3. I put 'rescreatu.com' into the address bar on top.
4. It loads. Very. Slowly.
5. It brings me to a page that says: Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage.

(Edit: Oh, I think I get what you're asking. With Firefox, it still doesn't work. It just brings me to a FF version of 'cannot display the webpage'.)

Open up IE, click tools, then hit delete in browsing history and see if that helps.

Thanks, but I already tried that.

Hit start, run, type tracert www.rescreatu.com and hit enter. You should be able to copy and paste the result in your next post.

Is working on both FF and IE this end. Given the nature of the site, may have been a server issue or possible bandwidth overload caused by too may users.

Have you tried again since posting??

Hit start, run, type tracert www.rescreatu.com and hit enter. You should be able to copy and paste the result in your next post.

I don't see how I should be able to. It just opened Internet Explorer with 'rescreatu.com' in the address bar and didn't load. As usual. It's been over a week now, and I'm getting pissed. Apparently, a few other people have been experiencing the same problem... but that's only a few out of a thousands.

Is working on both FF and IE this end. Given the nature of the site, may have been a server issue or possible bandwidth overload caused by too may users.

Have you tried again since posting??

Yes, I try several times per day. Nothing.

Is it possible something is filtering the site on your PC?

Are your friends connecting via same network connection? Asking as trying to understand where any filtering might be occurring - locally or possibly via ISP

try ping domainname.com and see if that works and make note of the ip address. do you have firewall or cyberpatrol filtering.

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