Have Win XP pro, when I go to the run menu and type in a letter it brings up a url. I have deleted my cookies, history and files for IE and Netscape. Does anyone know how to get rid of it?

Have Win XP pro, when I go to the run menu and type in a letter it brings up a url. I have deleted my cookies, history and files for IE and Netscape. Does anyone know how to get rid of it?

That information is stored in the Registry, but there is a tool for it, TweakUI. I have not used it under XP, but if it's like all earlier versions of the utility, there's a tab labeled Paranoia which allows you to clear things like the Document History and the Run string-box. It's one of the Windows PowerToys and can be downloaded individually.

Right-click the taskbar, and click properties.

Click the Start Menu tab at the top of the window, then the Customize button on whichever option you have.

If you have the default start menu applied, you'll have to click on "Advanced," then "Clear List" on the bottom of the window. With the classic view applied, click "Clear" in the window that appears.

That'll clear out the recently used documents menu too.

Kewl thanks. Either I wasnt using TweakUI or it didnt work. But I wil try that and post how it goes.

Meant to say using TweakUI correctly

Nope that didnt work either. Anyone have any other suggestions?

I think I had some cookies in my netscape folder even though I wasnt using netscape to surf the net. Downloaded a 30 day trial for a windows & internet washer which resolved the issue.

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