hi frnds,
I connect to the internet through a shared connection in my hostel lan.The problem i am facing is dat when others try to copy the data i have shared in the lan my whole system starts hanging. Can anybody suggest someway to reduce others using my resources i mean limit access of others to my computer.
thanks in advance..

Any firewall should be able to block them. Or if you just want to control their speed, I might suggest Net Limiter Pro.

Turn off file sharing or remove all of your visible network shares. Then punch the guy next to you and tell him to stop :)

I would create a folder on your computer and put everything you want to share in that folder. Then unshare all folders on your computer except for that folder. This way you can control the amount of data being transferred from your PC thus reducing the amount of data flow. If that doesn't help a ram upgrade will speed things up a Lil, it really depends on the speed of the PC at the moment though.

Any firewall should be able to block them. Or if you just want to control their speed, I might suggest Net Limiter Pro.

Thats a reply i expected... I wanted to know the softwares which i could use for the purpose...

It would be helpful if you could suggest some softwares to control data flow...

Yeah I believe with Net Limiter Pro you can control how fast a person can transfer data from your pc.

Yeah I believe with Net Limiter Pro you can control how fast a person can transfer data from your pc.

Yes, you can very easily control the bandwidth for any Application/any IP or any combination of Application/IP with Net Limiter Pro. Go to their site and check out some screen shots or the 30 day trial to see for yourself.

I have always installed it on every computer I own, and it runs at boot up until shut down. I love it. Just my opinion, but I believe it should be built into windows :P

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