how do i download windows xp pro on to my laptop if i cant get on the net or dont have the disk can i download it on to a disc on another com...

A legal copy of XP cannot be downloaded, so please do not ask.

then how do i fix my laptop if i dont have the original disk its stuck on the windows loading page

1) can still legally purchase XP (would go pro) dirt cheap

2)yes would be possible to "acquire", but here isn't the place to be asking

3) Have you tried booting in safe mode to attempt a repair or system restore?

No idea what is wrong with your laptop, but we cannot help you download a pirate copy of XP.
Can you boot at all and restore from the 'D' drive? Most lappies have a restore to factory capability.

You should be able to restore from a restore partition. Did you get any system restore disks?

Did you not create any of your own?

- If you can still boot up perhaps try creating some.

Is there any important data you don't want to lose?

no it only goes to the windows loading page. and stalls there i have no disks as i was givin it with all the programs only thing i can get into is the [pheonix bios ive resest the settings to factory settings and nothing happened when i turn it on it comes up with the hewlett packard welcome screen then goes to a screen with with 5 options sayin safe mode safe mode with networking safe mode with command prompt last known good configuration and start windows normally and none of them work. when i hit safe mode a whole screen of these lines come up sayin different things the last one says multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS\System32\DRIVERS\atisgkaf.sys then does nothing just stays on the same screen any ideas on what to do?..........

Try last known good configuration.

Will re-post link to LEGAL PURCHASE OPTION FOR XP since some MORON snipped the link (even though was a perfectly legitimate and legal link)!!!!!!!!

I'm sure this is not the only option for purchasing a legal copy of XP, but is the cheapest I could find :)

There is another option I've read somewhere about, and the outlined part was that it costs less than buying a legitimate copy of Windows.

If you obtain illegal copy of Windows, and THEN you pay for the licence, you end up saving some $$.

Will re-post link to LEGAL PURCHASE OPTION FOR XP since some MORON snipped the link (even though was a perfectly legitimate and legal link)!!!!!!!!

I'm sure this is not the only option for purchasing a legal copy of XP, but is the cheapest I could find :)

In theory, you are only supposed to be able to buy OEM copies of XP, if you buy it with a qualifying piece of system-critical hardware like a motherboard (although many companies flout this)

Will re-post link to LEGAL PURCHASE OPTION FOR XP since some MORON snipped the link (even though was a perfectly legitimate and legal link)!!!!!!!!

I'm sure this is not the only option for purchasing a legal copy of XP, but is the cheapest I could find :)

You want to be careful who you go around calling a moron.

You want to be careful who you go around calling a moron.

Probably, but when in a lot of pain (off work with back injury - disc compression suspected), becomes rather frustrating when trying to help someone quite legally, and legit links get removed

Also, link was not inserted to "advertise" any particular purchase site, but simply to demonstrate that XP can in fact be legally obtained at low cost

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