So i have a personal computer that sits behind a NAT that my apartment complex manages. Is there any way i can remote into that computer from work. I dont care how its done really, just so i can get to it. Any one have any ideas? Oh and running windows 2k3.

I use VNC to connect to Windows and Linux desktops from Windows and Linux Desktops all the time.

You will need to have VNC installed at both ends, VNC is free and you can get it from here:

You need to run VNC (app mode) before you go out, and you should set a password.

then from the remote end open VNCviewer and type the IP address (this is obviously not going to work to well if you have a dynamic IP address.)

VNC is a little slow over the internet, but it does the job just fine, like i said, I use it all the time, and I connect to machines that are behind firewalls, routers, DSL modems, they all work just fine.


I use VNC to connect to Windows and Linux desktops from Windows and Linux Desktops all the time.

You will need to have VNC installed at both ends, VNC is free and you can get it from here:

You need to run VNC (app mode) before you go out, and you should set a password.

then from the remote end open VNCviewer and type the IP address (this is obviously not going to work to well if you have a dynamic IP address.)

VNC is a little slow over the internet, but it does the job just fine, like i said, I use it all the time, and I connect to machines that are behind firewalls, routers, DSL modems, they all work just fine.


I dont think a VNC will work. I am behind a nat. So that means there is on ipaddress coming into the apt complex and it splits off into local 192 address. So i can type the address but that will only get me as far as the nat. Is there anything else i can try. Would something like pc anywhere work? I just dont want to have to pay for it really.

Oh and if you didnt notice i changed my username. Found one that i like alot better.

You could try Hamachi. I haven't had a chance to set it up myself yet, but it gets good reviews .

You could try Hamachi. I haven't had a chance to set it up myself yet, but it gets good reviews .

That is awesome. I have a few questions for someone that has used the program before.

I created a network and it gve me a ipaddress at the top. Now if i want can i ftp into that ip to get to my home ftp server?

Do i need the software on every computer that i am going to be connecting from?

Does that ip address change? I would like to setup a dyndns, something like my real dyndns. Is this possible?

To do any of this stuff, you'll need to set up Port Forwarding on your NAT router/device. Simply forward the port of your VNC service (5900) on your local machine to your router's port 5900. Same for FTP-- forward your local machine's port 21 to the router's port 21. Check your router's documentation for tips on how to do this.

Hamachi seems neat, almost like a VPN connection. It might be a better solution than port forwarding everything, but port forwarding is a better approach if you're accessing your box from a number of different systems, and Hamachi may not always be installable.

I cant change ports on the NAT. A company that my apt complex hired controls eveything as far as networking past the walls.


If the company hired is worth their salt, they are not going to have any holes out there for you to work with. Aside from a phone call to see if they would do it, I think you are stuck.

Now, you could put a modem onto the computer, and then have your computer on the outside "call into" your computer. BUt that is not very nice and easy. It would give you what you are looking for though.


I dont think a VNC will work. I am behind a nat. So that means there is on ipaddress coming into the apt complex and it splits off into local 192 address. So i can type the address but that will only get me as far as the nat. Is there anything else i can try. Would something like pc anywhere work? I just dont want to have to pay for it really.

Oh and if you didnt notice i changed my username. Found one that i like alot better.

local 192 address ei? I think you are going through a linksys router here. If you are lucky, they might left the default password there. Try in your browser. If it prompts for username and password, leave the username blank and password = admin. This depends on your luck. Also, have you tried using Remote Assistance other than VNC? :rolleyes:

You might want to look at setting up some kind of VPN connection or something with your work machine, or something. From the sounds of it, they're running some kind of NAT on their own off of a T1 line or something, and you're not able to forward any ports. In a case like this, it would be ideal if you could set up some kind of VPN connection.

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