I have a very larg collection of mp3's that i want to get organized and properly tagged. What software do you audiophiles use to keep things running smoothly and clean?

I also have a lot of MP3s (all legal, of course :P) and I found a nice little program which lets you alter the tags of multiple MP3s at the same time. It's free, and can be found here:

MP3 Tag Tools

Be careful though, I've had a few accidents with it. i.e. tagging a multitude of MP3s with same tag info...hahaha.

I just wanted to bring this topic back up again since I didnt get any replys before. Anyone have any ideas. Oh and I have iPod that I would like to be able to use.

I just wanted to bring this topic back up again since I didnt get any replys before. Anyone have any ideas. Oh and I have iPod that I would like to be able to use.

Well, itunes i good. Ephpod is ok. Just google em'.

Well, itunes i good. Ephpod is ok. Just google em'.

I have used iTunes and I dont like the way it tries to organize music. For example if i have a sound track cd or any cd that has more then one artist, it puts each artist in it own folder. That makes the folder structure really messy.

i turn off the music organisation options in itunes, use it for playing and moving to/from ipod.

organisation-wise i have a /music folder in my home directory with '/music/artist - album' (/music/artist/album would probably make more sense but i started this way and changing would be a big job!) and i have use grip (its a bit like cdex but for linux) to rip them, so to add music to my collection its put the cd in and click rip and grip sorts out the folders itself

I have the same problem. My music on my computer is a mess. Programs like WMP or iTunes are not capable to identify the music and sort it into categories. I am looking for a solution (a program, a mod or a add-on) which scans my computer for music, erases duplicates, adjusts volume, categorizes in genres & quality, adds missing titles and artist names. I don’t want to spend a year doing it on my own.
Since this discussion started, there were maybe some new developments. Looking forward to your help!

I am also searching for software to organize my large audio collection.

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