I have recently purchased a program called Registry Repair. I ran the program and there was a list of tasks.
The task that I was interested in was "scan registry for problems."

Yep...............I scanned. There was a list of 367 problems in my registry!

SO.................I deleted them and thought that my beautiful machine was clean and clear of problems.

BUT................when I went to use the other programs on my computer, none of the worked.

Why would the program list these things as problems and tell me to delete them?

What operating system you are using.In Windows XP ,you can use "restore system" to recover the registry. I am sure there will be some way in this " Registry Repair Program" to recover registry. Other options may be F8/Last good configuration or reinstall OS.

Thank you.

My OS is XP. I have recovered the registry, but I would like to clean it up.

Everytime I delete an entry that the program considers not useful, that program does not work properly.

Is a regisrty program good to use?

How do you determine what to delete?


A better question might be to ask what is causing your problems that you need to repair the registry. If the box is working, you might want to leave it alone as-is.

Registry editing is not a smart thing to do unless you have documented instructions to achieve a particular goal.

If you REALLY NEED TO clean the registry because you are looking for something to do, please backup your data, and format your hard drive, and set it up from scratch. That always works.


Thank you so much for your help ;)


A better question might be to ask what is causing your problems that you need to repair the registry. If the box is working, you might want to leave it alone as-is.

Registry editing is not a smart thing to do unless you have documented instructions to achieve a particular goal.

If you REALLY NEED TO clean the registry because you are looking for something to do, please backup your data, and format your hard drive, and set it up from scratch. That always works.


i use registry mechanic. no probs as yet.

I suggest you use Registry Mechanic(http://www.pctools.com/registry-mechanic/) or System Mechanic(
http://iolo.com/sm/index.cfm). Both of this works just fine for me. There is also a backup option for you to restore your registry just in case something like what you are experiencing happens.

It is wise not to mess with registry if you don't know anything about it. But this is why these programs exists to help you. Most of your errors are basically due to frequent installing/uninstalling softwares. Clearing them does help make ur computer load a little faster.

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