
Well I never really had any problems with windows update before. I have Windows Vista Home Premium running on my computer. It started to stop working when I did a System Restore.
Well it will say it is downloading updates, and it will always remain at 0%. There's no error code or anything. This never happened before. I disabled Windows Update and enabled it again and now it's checking for updates forever.
I don't believe a System Restore should damage Windows Update from not working.. So I don't know what's the problem
Anybody have any fixes or suggestions for solving my problem?

Can you restore to an even earlier version? It seems thast whatever's in your currently restored version is misbehaving.

Have you tried manually downloading Vista SP2 and then running it?

I already have Vista SP2 installed on my computer
I've tried restoring again and again, but still the problem exists

Was the system restore made to a point prior to Windows SP2? If so, you are not in a state of grace, IMHO.

No it wasn't.
Well I completely restored my computer to original factory settings today. Should Windows Update work now?

First thing springs to mind is that your system became un-validated (ie, MS servers thinking was a pirated copy = no updates allowed). Since you've restored to factory settings, is a little impossible to diagnose if this was in fact the case.


It started to stop working when I did a System Restore.

my question is ,why did you do a system restore in the first place !
as you have reset the computer to factory this no longer maters ,just interested !

First thing springs to mind is that your system became un-validated (ie, MS servers thinking was a pirated copy = no updates allowed). Since you've restored to factory settings, is a little impossible to diagnose if this was in fact the case.

I beg to differ. If indeed his system had become unvalidated, it would initially provide a prompt during login that the OS needs to be re-activated, followed by disabling of the desktop wallpaper and a message on the wallpaper saying "THis copy of Windows is not genuine; you may be a victim of software counterfeiting". . If this activation os not done, it would log him off ltogether.

Also, MS recently changed their pirated=no updates allowed policy. Now, it's more like pirated copy=only critical software and security updates allowed

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