i have a php web on my IIS , address is ' http://localhost/myapp/index.php ' .

My question is, can i access the site on my Laptop using LAN or wifi if yes , plz tell me how . Please help me

Yes. You need to browse to the internal IP of the machine running IIS. You can find your IP Address by opening the command prompt and running the following command:

C:\>ipconfig /all | find "IP Address"
        IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :

You would then browse to You also may need to open that port in your windows firewall. If the site does not work try disabling the windows firewall from your control panel and testing it again.

thanks will try soon . My laptop have wifi , but my Desktop have no wifi . I have a Linksys wireless router .

How i configure my Desktop with Linksys router to access my localhost web using my laptop .

Do you mean the IP that IIS listens on for a particular website? Yes, you can. Go in to the IIS configuration screen and right click on the website you want to change the listening IP for. Take a look at the attached screenshot.

thanks , great help . plz help me on this also

i have a php web on my IIS , address is ' http://localhost/myapp/index.php ' .

My question is, can i access the site on my Laptop using LAN or wifi if yes , plz tell me how . Please help me

Do u have a web server in ur local network?

Which OS are u using on your computer or laptop?

Note that you donot need to do any configuration on your LinKSys Wireless Router if you only want to allow access to this site from any computer within ur local network.

All you need to have is a DNS Server within your local network,
and add the domain name to IP address of the site in its DNS Server. Than you can simply use the web browser(IE or Firefox)
on any other computer or laptop within the local network to access this local site.

i am using windows xp professional in both systems

thanks , great help . plz help me on this also

Help you with what? I answered your questions I thought?

i am using windows xp professional in both systems

Ok, so its a home based network,right?

Yes right . so what i have to do . Plz

Yes right . so what i have to do . Plz

Do u want to access that site from ur local network?

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