Hi Dani:

I'm so thankful for the help I have received here. I have tried everything but I can't even run a scandisk. I looked in my Dummies book and couldn't find it. I'm wondering if I have a trojan in the PC. I still can't do the Norton updates. I was thinking of doing the scandisk when I turn on the PC What do you think? Can you help me? Thanks again.:cool:

Open 'My Computer'. Right-click on the drive and choose 'Properties'.

You'll find 'Error checking' on the Tools tab.

That's the easiest way :)

Open 'My Computer'. Right-click on the drive and choose 'Properties'.

You'll find 'Error checking' on the Tools tab.

That's the easiest way :)

I appreciate the reply. I will try this. My computer is very slow and I can't run the Norton Updates. Thanks again.

I don't think for a moment that your problem with running Norton Updates will relate to bad sectors on the hard drive, which is what scandisk detects. Do you have a previous topic about Norton updates? If so you should follow up your problem in that topic. I'm usure what you are referring to in relation to that matter, and it sounds like you refer to previous discussions here at Daniweb.

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