hi just new here not sure how to go about things but ive a question for you, how can i fix my pc from freezing, it will work for a short while then just suddenly it just freezes i cant do anything bar switch off power and start again i am on my laptop writing this can anyone help and coul replies be in laymans terms as i havent got much of a clue about pc thank you, mark

A little more detailed info on the problem PC would be good.

Which OS are you using
When does it freeze
Any relevant error messages

A little more detailed info on the problem PC would be good.

Which OS are you using
When does it freeze
Any relevant error messages

its a packhard bell, windows xp its will work then suddenly the screen goes blank wont do anything, sorry i dont know what os means

OS means Operating System, which you mentioned.
Have you installed any programs that coincide when the freezes started?

It could also be a heat issue, if the inside gets too hot due to accumulated dust, it will cause freeze issues.
Hardware failure, video card, on-board video going bad will cause freeze problems and blank screen.
Memory sticks going bad will cause freezes and video issues.
Monitor going bad will do the same.
What are you doing when it freezes, surfing, playing games?

Another possibility is a virus.

Have you done a virus scan recently?

can i just say thanks to you all but ive managed to sort it out, found out there was some files missing working great now. thanks again , mark

can i just say thanks to you all but ive managed to sort it out, found out there was some files missing working great now. thanks again , mark

Hello Mark,

Glad to hear you got it sorted out.
Please mark your thread as solved


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