Can someone help me please, i want to know how to use the console to view any personal digital certificate install on your machine. Print the certificate.

Have you applied for one and installed it, if not you do not have one, they are not a standard part of XP or any other OS.

well i have applied for one and already install it in my browser.i want to view the certificate using console, i want to know what is the command.
Thank for replying

Explore Certificates. To view the certificates stored in your computer with Internet Explorer, click the Tools menu, Internet Options, and the Content tab. To view the list of certificates stored in your computer, click the Certificates button.

The Certificates dialog box features five tabs: Personal, Other People, Intermediate Certification Authorities, Trusted Root Certification Authorities, and Trusted Publishers. These tabs categorize certificates according to the origin and purpose of the certificate. For example, any certificates you received from people you trust are grouped under the Other People tab. The Personal tab features certificates issued to you, for which private keys are stored in your computer.

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