My Computer is windows XP. Please can you tell me do I need jave software
installed, and how do I get it.

My Computer is windows XP. Please can you tell me do I need jave software
installed, and how do I get it.

Are you going to sites that tell you ,you need java to view the site .is so there should be a link to click to go to a java download on that site ,if you are not ,then you don't need it to use you computer if thats what you mean .
go to sun java to see if you all ready have it .

You'll probably have microsoft java virtual machine on your windows preinstalled ... and if you want to run java applets .. you would probably need to install sun's java virtual machine ... and you can download it from the link casperjack gave.

There's a "Get it Now" Yellow button right there, on the page.

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