I'm kind of computer illiterate and I have been around a few message boards trying to fix this problem. Everytime I try to watch a movie on the site veoh.com the message:

Cannot find veoh2://veoh.com/?cmd=DA782A7C-3538-4dd9-B28B-90F927E31BF1 DNS Error - Server cannot be found

shows up. Only when I try to watch the movie not searching or on the home page. It works on another computer in my home and it used to work on mine and I have no idea what to do. Cn anyone help please.

try to use OpenDNS
maybe it can be your solutions...

Considering its only happening on one computer I would think the problem is a setting on that machine. Like maybe someone has manually set the DNS server addresses on your computer. Go into the network interfaces and set them to use DHCP. If they are already set to use DHCP then maybe try and change the DNS server and see if that solves the problem. (try


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