i have a computer with windows server 2003,now i need windows xp, but i cant install it. when i put in the xp cd, it wont run and it doesnt show the install option. when irestart the computer for it to auto boot, nothin come out. wut can i do to install windows xp?? plz give me a reply or email me at (removed by moderator) thnx for ur help.

mhmood.bool commented: vhuuuuuuuuuuu +0

Sounds like your PC BIOS has not been told that it is allowed to boot from CD. Restart the PC and on the BIOS startup screen invoke the "setup" action - often by pressing DEL or F2 or something similar. You will have to be quick! Find the Boot order screen and check that the CD drive is listed before the hard disk.

Also, when booting from the CD be sure to watch the BIOS POST screens after power up. You will likely get a message instructing you to press a key to boot from the CD. All legitimate Windows XP CDs should be bootable.

So i insert the windows xp cd then restart the computer and click f2 and del once the screen appears and the BIOS screen will show up and i will be able to install windows xp on server 2003? also my computers HP pavilon 522n. U guys r the first few 2 ppl give me helps. i appreciate it. becuz i am not an expert and i really need helps. Thanks!

how does BIOS thing work and when where do i click f2 or del?

hey,thnx for ur help. but i still dont get it. now i have made my computer worse. i made old windows server 2003 not working cuz i was tryin to reinstall it and it requires me to delete olt windows 32 files. now i cant even open up the window. and i cant reinstall windows server 2003 cuz it says not enuf space. sounds ur bios,f2,del thing will still work under this condition.please give me ne help if its possible. i really need to install windows xp on that computer.please email me back at luckybird444@yahoo.com and my acct in this site is kaiking328

You didn't say you wanted to keep win 2003 on you machine. I assumed you wanted to replace your old w2003 with win xp. If you want both on the same machine at the same time you need to set up a "Dual Boot" system. I am not the person to ask about doing that with win 2003.

What I do know about dual booting Windows: with dual boot you must install each program twice: once for each OS. You must also set the name of the Windows system directory on at least one of the systems to something other than c:\windows (the default). Another disk (e.g. d:\windows) is the easiest, or another directory (e.g. c:\win2k3) is possible but hard to achieve without customizing the installer.

Do you want to Dual Boot Win XP and Win 2003?

Did you manage to see a BIOS screen?

Is the CD-ROM set up as the primary boot device (the one the system will boot from if it can)?

What window can you not open up?

How large (how many GB) is your disk?

Detailed instructions for accessing your system's BIOS should be in the instruction manual for your PC, which may also be available from your PC manufacturers website if you've lost it.


I want t0 have windows xp and remove the windows 2003, but i though it will helpful if i reninstall windows server 2003 and i messed up. so i cant open my old windows server2003. the computer is like all black. when i click on the option to open my old windows server 2003, it come out error. my disk space is 60 gb with 256 memory. but 55 gb are being used by the windows server 2003 that i cant open. so the problem is i want to install windows xp, but it wont auto boot and i cant find the BIOs setting. i tried click on del and f2, nothin come out. Thnx for ur help catzeale and ruth. also,my computer come out like this when i open the pc.

first the hp logo show up.
then black.
then come out 2 options, windows server 2003 enterprise on the top
windows server 2003 enterprise installation. i think this is still here becuz the installatyion is not successful. and when i click the first which is my old windows, it says error plz repair the file window32 stuff.

This is 2 hard!! I finally find the BIOS for my computer is f1 helped by catezle and ruth. But now it come out a blue screen and tell me put in passwords. I never have any password on my computer. and i try many random things and it came out invalid. My computer is HP pavilion 522n. Does any 1 have this kind of computer or experience this problem?

Any advise or helps?

This happened with an old email server I had at work, the bios password was set by those that went before me.

You need to remove the CMOS battery for a length of time, try 5min, then longer if required.

Open the case, and its the camera type battery in the middle of the mother board.

When doing work in a PC always ensure you can earth yourself. Best practice is to leave the plug in (ONLY IF YOU HAVE A SWITCH ON THE BACK YOU CAN TURN OFF) as the plug has earth. Touch the side metal often for periods of about 10secs.

If you are not happy working in your Pc, get some engineer to do it.

This should reset the bios. Perhaps someone could confirm if you also need to use the reset jumper?

You really need to find the BIOS manual for this PC.

You might well need to do more than remove the CMOS battery (although that might work), such as moving a reset jumper or similar. In any case removing the battery will reset all of the BIOS settings, so you'll need to put them back to rights afterwards.

Try going to the HP website and looking on their support pages.

Removing the CMOS battery will be fine on a HP or Compaq system, and the BIOS Setup menu structure on those is pretty easily navigable without needing to resort to the motherboard manual. All the technical and difficult settings will not be made available.

Proprietary systems such as this only make the most common settings available for altering in BIOS.

The system should default to booting from CD, so resetting CMOS will correct any problem in that regard. If CMOS is reset and then the CD still won't autoboot afterwards, then I'd have to assume it's not a legitimate Windows XP CD.

I am a noob on computer stuff. this is gettin crazy.. so i have the take my coputer cover off and find the motherboard and the CMOS thing and take it off for 5 minutes then put it back? then everything will be fine?or is there any other way for me to get the password or remove the password step? becuz taking out a stuff and replacing it back sounds hard for me. and i am not sure what is a CMOS and where it is or wut i have to do after taking it out. and again my computer is hp pavilion 522n.

Is possible that the password is on the cover of the case? cuz i see 2 stickers with lots of numbers and letters. or can i download the system recovery for my computer? cuz my first window on that computer is windows xp. like i download it on this computer and burn into disk and run it on the computer with problem. or can i find the password in www.hp.com?

The only other way is to find out what the password is, I'm afraid.

The only other way is to find out what the password is, I'm afraid.

Which way, tell me plz, i will not be afraid.

k i have taken the cover off. can ne 1 plz show me wheres the mother board and the CMOS near it?Thnx


Be sure that you have turned off the power at the wall outlet. Simply shutting down Windows is not enough!

The motherboard is the large main circuitboard that you see in the computer. Somewhere on it you will see a round battery, about the size of a 10c coin, held in a holder. Remove that (you may need to carefully use a screwdriver to hold a clip back) and wait 5 minutes or so before replacing it.

Be careful not to bump any connections loose inside the PC while you are doing it.


On some motherboards, the holder will be vertical rather than horizontal.

I got it!!!!!!!! i got it out!! Catzealzle Thnx very much. Ur my god. ty ty.so i wait 5 min and put the battery back in then boot the bois by clickin f1. can u tell me wut to do afterwards? Thnx a lot.i feel i got a hope. :)) :cheesy: Can i get ur email? ur the best guy with computer stuff. i hope i can get to no u !~

First thing to try after you replace the CMOS battery is simply to pop the Windows XP CD in the drive and see if the computer will now boot from it.

By the way, why are you using a Windows XP CD rather than the recovery CDs which should have come with the HP Pavilion?

I have done installing XP. its a good news, but only bad thing is it only have upto 64-x480 screen. its so big, and i cant move the scroll up to 1000x800.Can u help?

Which is why I asked earlier why you were using a Windows CD rather than the recovery CD which should have been supplied with the system, or following the recovery procedures mentioned in the product documentation to reinstall from a drive partition if that is relevent for your particular HP Pavilion.

There is a graphics driver available for download from

but there doesn't seem to be a full device driver set there.

You will certainly need to find the recovery CD/procedures if you want to restore your PC to full factory-state functionality, with bundled software etc included!

Hi catweazle, thnx for another help. under ur direction of BIOS process, i has successfully installed windows xp, but theres only 1 thing i am not happy with which is its only 640x480, the screen is so big that i cant see every thing. and i cant go to property and mk it 1000x800. it wont let me scroll it to the right. Any thing i can do there?

OOO i got it, u want me to downlaod the graphic driver. i got it, nvm about the last post thnx. just reread ur post and found it out :

I hope that works for you. You may need other drivers as well. There is no motherboard chipset driver listed for download there, and that one may need to be installed before the graphics driver will work.

there may just be necessary device drivers which are only on the recovery CD or in the recovery partition.

If you've lost the recoveryCD or removed the recovery partition, HP has instructions for obtaining new CDs listed on that download site.

Alright thnx, i am goin to sleep. i will see u again tomorrow hopefully :))

If you are the original owner it could be worth contacting HP, but to my knowledge no manufacturer adds bios security when supplied to customers.

Its not that hard to locate the cmos battery. Its the only detatchable battery on your motherboard and you should have easy access to it. It will be silver, flat and about the size of an average coin. Leave it out for about 15mins to avoid having to do it twice.

As I said, if you don't feel confident either call in a favour, or take it to a computer shop, and probably get them to reset the bios password and rebuild the OS.

EDIT Doh, didnt notice your great pic Catweazle

Hi, i have just sucessfully reinstalled windows xp on a windows server 2003 and solved the problem of 640x480 screen under helps of catweazle ruth rimary.. and lot mroe friends. My new problem has araise..... its that my computer doesnt have any sounds. is it the problem with sound card or something? or can i solve it just like by solving the screen 640x480 problem by downloading the update version of graphic card?

If you are the original owner it could be worth contacting HP, but to my knowledge no manufacturer adds bios security when supplied to customers.

Its not that hard to locate the cmos battery. Its the only detatchable battery on your motherboard and you should have easy access to it. It will be silver, flat and about the size of an average coin. Leave it out for about 15mins to avoid having to do it twice.

As I said, if you don't feel confident either call in a favour, or take it to a computer shop, and probably get them to reset the bios password and rebuild the OS.

EDIT Doh, didnt notice your great pic Catweazle

Thnx marty.

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