My client is running SBS 2003. When it was setup, their IT guy ran CEICW and RWW and OWA worked fine. A few days later (after their old IT guy left) they called me and said they couldn't connect thru RWW or OWA. I tried and got the Welcome screen but when you clicked any link IE was not able to display webpage. I was able to remote in using RDP, however. I ran CEICW again and then was able to use RWW or OWA but only for a day.

They are running SBS2003 (year old install) and a single nic. They have a cable internet connection and are using a Linksys wireless router as a firewall.

Again, I can remote in using RDP but not the web browser. Running CEICW (even just clicking through and not making any changes) allows you to connect but after about a day it "resets" itself.

Any suggestions?

You're killing me with the acronyms :P! You should at least say the full name once before dropping CEICW . I have never heard of that until I read this thread.

Anyway back to your question. When you click links inside of OWA does the page immediately fail or does it take a while to time out? And have you checked the Windows Event Log? I would imagine some IIS errors are probably being logged.

Also -- When the website is down externally can you RDP in to the machine and browse the site locally? http://localhost/owa

You're killing me with the acronyms :P! You should at least say the full name once before dropping CEICW . I have never heard of that until I read this thread.

Anyway back to your question. When you click links inside of OWA does the page immediately fail or does it take a while to time out? And have you checked the Windows Event Log? I would imagine some IIS errors are probably being logged.

Also -- When the website is down externally can you RDP in to the machine and browse the site locally? http://localhost/owa

LOL you are in the wrong business to not want acronyms!! :)

Sorry, I thought in this section everyone would know what CEICW is. For clarity's sake it is Configure E-Mail and Internet Connection Wizard, RWW is Remote Web Workplace and OWA is Outlook Web Access.

The link fails immediately and yes I can access it locally. No IIS errors are being logged.

What do the logs say? Seems like I've had this problem before and it was related to a service failing and not restarting.

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I have the same problem and the iPhone users keeps losing their ActiveSync connection too. Did you find a solution?

I have the same problem and the iPhone users keeps losing their ActiveSync connection too. Did you find a solution?

Actually I did. In my case it was the router. Resetting the Internet Connection Wizard on the server would fix it for a day or so but then the router would quit forwarding for some reason. I replaced the router and all has worked for a couple weeks now.

Can't help you with the ActiveSync and iPhone issue. Sorry.

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