When I start my computer, it keeps coming to a screen that says "a disk read error occured. press ctr+alt_del to restart". I've tried this but it comes back to the same screen. My HP laptop did not come with windows cd. I have to reinstall OS. How can I get the cd?

When I start my computer, it keeps coming to a screen that says "a disk read error occured. press ctr+alt_del to restart". I've tried this but it comes back to the same screen. My HP laptop did not come with windows cd. I have to reinstall OS. How can I get the cd?

Contact HP. www.hp.com ,should be link somewhere on the site to contact us ,usually at the bottom of a web page

ok with my experience fixing hp laptops,"a disk read error occured. press ctr+alt_del to restart". this error is crucial, you have to do one thing, check hard drive compartment, make sure the hard drive is not loose and pluged in tight. if you could test the drive on another computer as a slave, maybe the hard drive is not good and needs to be replaced, try Hard disk sentinel, google it you'll find it. and about getting windows home edtion google it, you will also get it for free in msdn site. good luck

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