I am having a problem with my hotmail. Went I hit send I get error on page. I have tried deleting cookies,tem files,going to default settings. running McAfee and ad ware. cleaned up everything still same message. any Ideas Please help this stated when they updated

Funnie how this happened to some and not the rest of us who use Hotmail.have you tried going into IE tools /internet options and setting things back to there defaults .might help

Funnie how this happened to some and not the rest of us who use Hotmail.have you tried going into IE tools /internet options and setting things back to there defaults .might help

yes I went to advanced tab and did that still no luck. Been working on this for some while still no luck


I can't reply, send or attach a file using hotmail.com. Also, I can't attach a file using yahoo mail as well. I am so frustrated! I contacted msn help and they never replied back.

Any suggestions???:D


I am having a problem with my hotmail. Went I hit send I get error on page. I have tried deleting cookies,tem files,going to default settings. running McAfee and ad ware. cleaned up everything still same message. any Ideas Please help this stated when they updated

This is most likely a Java problem -- both Hotmail and Yahoo! use it. Java support in Windows is poor, now virtually non-existent since MS lost the lawsuit with Sun. Go to the Java download page and get the official package. Using the offline version is usually more reliable.

hotmail finally replied to my email they said they were aware of problem and expect a solution to be in place by mid-Feburary I've to accessing by outlook express not as convenent but it works

hotmail finally replied to my email they said they were aware of problem and expect a solution to be in place by mid-Feburary I've to accessing by outlook express not as convenent but it works


I can't reply, send or attach a file using hotmail.com. Also, I can't attach a file using yahoo mail as well. I am so frustrated! I contacted msn help and they never replied back.

Any suggestions???:D


I am having exactly the same problem as Serena. I am so frustrated. 3 days back it was all right & suddenly within as hour my yahoo & hotmail accounts stopped. I can receive message, attachements but I can't reply them, I can't attach anything, I can't send anything. If anyone has found the solution please let me know. Thanks

I don't know why people use and rely on those 2 email programs ,why not just use the one provided by your internet service provider !

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