I.E 6.0 not see my web pages. Netscape does, but does not display images. If I use a different computer, all works fine. Re-installed I.E. and windows XP. No help
Run repair programs such as pc Mighty Mac & others. No help. I have tried other things but no help. I am out of ideas. Prog. Don

Please give us more detail concerning the exact errors you get when you try to go to sites, as well as more information on your network/Internet connection (DSL? Cable? Dial-up? Is there a router involved?)

Also, you said: "I have tried other things but no help". Just so that we don't duplicate your efforts- what exactly have you done so far?

Please give us more detail concerning the exact errors you get when you try to go to sites, as well as more information on your network/Internet connection (DSL? Cable? Dial-up? Is there a router involved?)

Also, you said: "I have tried other things but no help". Just so that we don't duplicate your efforts- what exactly have you done so far?

I solved most of my problem. I needed I.E. as my browser on the screen. This solved the problem. Before, it was not necessary, but I don't mind. Now web pages display correctly as do images. Thank you for replying.
I appreciate it. Prof.Don

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