Before we start i'm no computer whizz - I have a medion PC with Vista last year bought from ALDI - I opted to purchase the upgrade to windows 7 and have only just got round to doing it this week - i followed the instruction and the on screen prompts stated it would take several hours to install so i left my pc on until the next day - my pc has had a blank empty blue screen since - i have switched it off and tried to restart and after asking it to start in normal mode it comes up with all of the initial windows logos but then the startup screen is blue and empty - i have no idea what to do now - HELP!!!

Before we start i'm no computer whizz - I have a medion PC with Vista last year bought from ALDI - I opted to purchase the upgrade to windows 7 and have only just got round to doing it this week - i followed the instruction and the on screen prompts stated it would take several hours to install so i left my pc on until the next day - my pc has had a blank empty blue screen since - i have switched it off and tried to restart and after asking it to start in normal mode it comes up with all of the initial windows logos but then the startup screen is blue and empty - i have no idea what to do now - HELP!!!

1. Restart your PC
2. Logon and wait for the black screen to appear
3. Make sure your PC should be able to connect to the internet (black screen does not appear to affect this)
4. Press the CTRL, ALT and DEL keys simultaneously
5. When prompted, Click Start Task Manager
6. In Task Manager Click on the Application Tab
7. Next Click New Task
8. Now enter the command: ”C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe” “

Well, this problem is quite related with memory (RAM). Run the diagnostic tool to fix out this problem. For more info visit here.

  1. Click Start, type below command in the Search box:
    Windows Memory
  2. A results page appears.
  3. Click an item labelled "Windows Memory Diagnostic".
  4. Click the button "Restart now and check for problems".

Hi , As you have already that you have vista and want to upgrade to window7 , but you have not follow all the instruction , so I think your window not properly upgraded , Now you have need to reinstall window 7 on your pc . just paly window 7 bootable and follow all the instuction .
Thanks .

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