I get this error everytime I reboot:

Error loading powrprof.dll A device attached to the system is not functioning.

I am running Windows ME

I dont know what else to tell you. I had a bout with some spyware and have cleaned that up (I Hope).

Do you think that some malware etc.... did this, or what?

Also, I have tried microsoft support, and they only have resolves issued for Win98. I cannot find anything anywhere on this exact error.

I get this error everytime I reboot:

Error loading powrprof.dll A device attached to the system is not functioning.

I am running Windows ME

I dont know what else to tell you. I had a bout with some spyware and have cleaned that up (I Hope).

Do you think that some malware etc.... did this, or what?

Also, I have tried microsoft support, and they only have resolves issued for Win98. I cannot find anything anywhere on this exact error.

Check to see if that file is still on your computer. If not then download it from the web & place it in the C:\Windows folder. If you know the exact program that uses that file you can re-install the program to fix it, but the first solution should work in alot of cases.

ive got one in:

I went online and got a new one and replaced over the one in C:\ and C:\windows

still same error

looks like we need some kind of dependencies software to figure out what program is trying to load that, or maybe a registry cleaning might help.

looks like we need some kind of dependencies software to figure out what program is trying to load that, or maybe a registry cleaning might help.

Ive run registry mechanic and several other "fixes" when i had all these other problems. That is the only one that remains.

Ive run registry mechanic and several other "fixes" when i had all these other problems. That is the only one that remains.

maybe the computer is trying to open it, but the program that uses it is gone. try "startup Control Panel" from download.com & see if there is an entry for that file at startuo

I'm getting the same problems - Error loading powrprof.dll A device attached to the system is not functioning.
Please let me know, how the problem got solved.

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