i signed on hotmail & i got the message below, however i know that i'm already using IE6.0.... so what is the problem? thanks...

Web Browser Software Limitations

Your Current Software Will Limit Your Ability to Use Hotmail

You are using a web browser that Hotmail does not support. If you continue to use your current browser software we cannot guarantee that Hotmail will work correctly for you.

We recommend that you upgrade your web browsing software and invite you to download Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.

i signed on hotmail & i got the message below, however i know that i'm already using IE6.0.... so what is the problem? thanks...

Web Browser Software Limitations... Your Current Software Will Limit Your Ability to Use Hotmail .

Are your patches up-to-date (SP1, etc.)? That's the only thing I can think off the top of my head. The next time you run IE, go to the Help menu, then the About Internet Explorer item. Note which version number it shows and report back with your findings.

this is what i got:
ABOUT INTERNET EXPLORER - Version 6.0.2800.1106.xpsp2.030422-1633 ... Update Versions:; SP1; Q330994; Q832894

nm... thank you... i found out why... its some sort of configuration in my norton internet security setup

nm... thank you... i found out why... its some sort of configuration in my norton internet security setup

Thanks for reporting back. Your IE is up-to-date, by the way...

Thanks for reporting back. Your IE is up-to-date, by the way...

I am having the same trouble. I recently installed a new Norton as well. What did you do to fix this. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

im sorry i dont remember what i did... it was way back in february... but if im not wrong, then its some sort of setting options from norton u have to change... gluck...

Thanks... I have come to the concussion that it is my Norton firewall. I have no idea what to turn on or off so I'll be able to have the firewall on and still view my hotmail. If anyone can point me in the right direction to fix this that would be great...

Thanks... I have come to the concussion that it is my Norton firewall. I have no idea what to turn on or off so I'll be able to have the firewall on and still view my hotmail. If anyone can point me in the right direction to fix this that would be great...

Don't know if you still need help with this - but if ya do...

I have Norton Internet Security 2004 - so I can only give you the options for that.. if you have have a different Norton product - you should still be able to change these settings.. but perhaps via different options..

From the main NIS screen, choose "Privacy Control" and click on "Configure".

Click on the "Advanced" button.

Here you'll see 3 tabs "Global Settings", "User Settings" and "Ad Blocking"

Choose "Global Settings"

You can do one of two things..

EITHER - ensure (Defaults) is selected in the left hand panel and then choose "Permit" option under "Information about your browser" - in which case all sites will be able to obtain this information...

OR Use the button at the bottom to "Add a site". Once added, select the site in the left hand panel and again choose the "Permit" option under "Information about your browser".

Hope this helps :cheesy:

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