How to enable remote assistance in 2000 prof?i want to conncet from 2003 server give me clear answer .
thanking u


Right click My Computer and go to properties. Click the remote assistance tab and click enable. There are also other remote control programs out there such as Radmin:

Here is the Radmin site

Hope this helps

Shane McP

Does Windows 2000 even have remote assistance?

Dear friend
In 2000 prof in properties od my comuter remote assitence tab is not avialble

Dear friend
In 2000 prof in properties od my comuter remote assitence tab is not avialble

Windows 2000 doesn't have in built support for Remote Assistance. I beleve Remote Assistance was implemented from Windows XP and (till date) extended till Windows Server 2003. Though it's certain Windows Vista and Windows Longhorn Server will have support for Remote Assistance.

Personally, Remote Desktop is a boon for me.

However, you could use Symantec's pcAnywhere for the same purpose.

You think PCAnywhere is better than Remote Desktop? I've used both and I have to say that I much prefer the Remote Desktop. We use Cisco VPN client with Remote Desktop and I think both work wonderfully. It's fast and other than a few little glitches with the VPN software works flawlessly.

You think PCAnywhere is better than Remote Desktop? I've used both and I have to say that I much prefer the Remote Desktop. We use Cisco VPN client with Remote Desktop and I think both work wonderfully. It's fast and other than a few little glitches with the VPN software works flawlessly.

I never said that. I just suggested that as an alternative to Remote Desktop. I myself prefer Remote Desktop for my tasks, which, I may add, are not that critical

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