O.S Win 98. Just downloaded Internet Explorer 6 a couple weeks ago and cant enable java chat rooms now. When I try to log on to most chat rooms I get no error message except a colored square,circle,triangle inside a bigger square. I checked internet options -advanced section and java VM is enabled. security settings at medium. Everything seems on........why cant I chat?

Thank you

O.S Win 98. Just downloaded Internet Explorer 6 a couple weeks ago and cant enable java chat rooms now. When I try to log on to most chat rooms I get no error message except a colored square,circle,triangle inside a bigger square. I checked internet options -advanced section and java VM is enabled. security settings at medium. Everything seems on........why cant I chat?

Java support from Microsoft is poor -- in fact, since MS lost the court case with Sun, there soon will be no official support. It sounds like your Java Virtual Machine is broken. Go to the Sun Java Download page. Go to Download J2SE v 1.4.2_03 and click on the download link under JRE. After saying "accept" to the license agreement, Click on the "continue" button. I recommend the Windows Offline Installation version. I think installing the Sun Java JRE will fix things.

Thank you. I'll try that now.

I cant seem to download that java platform. I tried it twice offline and online and after it opens and I try to download java I get an error message that says,

" Error 1101. Error reading file C:/window/temp/_ isbico/1033. MST.verify file exists and that you can access it."

And then it boots me off.

Thank you

I was finally downloaded the Java J2SE v 1.4.2_03. But I still cant use java chat rooms and still get error as in my first post. In control panel there is a coffee cup java icon and scrolling through all the options everything seems enabled. Whats up with my chat, I know I'm not banned from these sites. Sorry for being persistant but this is driving me nuts.

I was finally downloaded the Java J2SE v 1.4.2_03. But I still cant use java chat rooms and still get error as in my first post. In control panel there is a coffee cup java icon and scrolling through all the options everything seems enabled. Whats up with my chat, I know I'm not banned from these sites. Sorry for being persistant but this is driving me nuts.

Try the Firefox browser from . It may be a wierd setting or Registry glitch in Windows causing problems with IE.

You could also try joining a Yahoo! Group -- mine, for example; the link is on my web page -- if you have a Yahoo! membership (they're useful). Group sites have a Java Chat function and you could experiment there as a sandbox.

Thank you TallCool1. I downloaded Mozilla Firefox and went to those java chatrooms and badaboom badabing there they are! I went back to explorer 6 and still couldnt open those java chats up. I wonder what that could be? Anway you have been very helpful and I will check you out at those other sites. :)

Thank you TallCool1. I downloaded Mozilla Firefox and went to those java chatrooms and badaboom badabing there they are! I went back to explorer 6 and still couldnt open those java chats up. I wonder what that could be?

I don't know what's up with IE either, but I wanted to make sure you could chat -- I'm glad Firefox worked for you.

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