i recieved a message saying low virtual memory, and my computer began to run slow. how would i go about correct this problem?

im using windows xp

thank you.

How much RAM do you have? The message you describe points to your swap file getting full. Typically, the swap file size should be 1.5 times the size of installed RAM. For 128 MB RAM, the swap file size should be 384 MB.

Also, try defragmenting your hard drive. I would suggest you install more RAM though.

If you are runnin low on hard drive space, you cud also run CCLenaer or the disk cleanup utility in Windows to free up some space, after that run chkdsk and then defragment, so that the system doesnt slow down due to a badly frgamneted drive. In fact if ur paging file is severly fragmented, get soem specialized defra software tht can defrag the paging file as well and i agree too that u cud do wth more RAM.

the thing is, i just installed windows xp on this computer, so it started from scratch. there shouldnt be too many files on it already.

the thing is, i just installed windows xp on this computer, so it started from scratch. there shouldnt be too many files on it already.

True, but if you have insufficient amount of RAM, you will get the errors you specify, and the computer will run slow.

How much RAM do you have on the system?

What were you doing on the machine when the error occured? In other words, what programs were you using?

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