Since you guys helped me with my last problem I figured I would try you with another issue thats been bugging me for a while. Since I reinstalled windows XP on my computer (Pro) I cant seem to get any sound from my DVD drive or my DVD writer drive when playing a DVD or music in windows media player. WIndows media player can play sounds from all files stored on the hard drive.

Its an Advent 3519 PC if you need to look up the chipset. The DVD drive is a JLMS XJ-HD166S and the DVD writer is LITE-ON DVDRW LDW-451S (or so they say in device manager).

Dont know of any of that helps but I really am desperate to get my sound back as I like to play DVDs on my PC.

Were these DVD drives installed with the computer, or did you install them yourself? If you installed them yourself, then you will need a sound cable from your sound card going to the DVD drive. Did you reinsatll the drivers for your sound card? Check your sound settings in the Control panel and see if there is something you missed. Is the volume turned up, for CD player, on the speakers icon in the lower r-corner?

I am just throwing some things out to check.

They were preinstalled and working perfectly before the reinstall. Device manager shows sound as being fine, only question mark is my ethernet controller so would suggest audio is installed. I checked the speaker icon in the bottom right. They are all turned up, none are on mute, however when I click on the volume control slider it beeps, but when I click on any other it makes no noise. I seem to remember these sliders also making a noise when you click on them but I could be wrong.

When you click the spkr icon, is there a volume adjust for CD player? If not, click on the Options menu, then select Properties/and see if the CD player is checked. Only my main volume slider beeps on mine.

Yeah there is a CD Player one on there. Again when I click on the slider no noise is made though.

Just tried a CD and its playing audio for that now. However its just DVDs it aint playing the sound for. The images yes but no sound, however the sound quality is terrible.

Have you downloaded the most recent DirX and maybe windows media player, from windows updates? You should do all your updates, if you haven't.

Yeah latest DirectX is downloaded, needed it for GTA: SA

Is this a separate sound card, or is it integrated on your motherboard? Also, go into Device Manager again, and right click on each of the DVD drives, select properties, select properties tab, and make sure they are enabled for audio, and the volume is set all the way to the right.

Hmm im struggling to answer this one. The speakers plug into one below my graphics card so I assume its a seperate card as its plugging into something in one of my card slots. CDs are playing fine now, its just DVD sound thats not coming through.


Sound Card: C-Media AC'97

Look up, I added something to my last post. Well, if the CD player is working, then it is not a sound card driver problem.

Was already enabled and volume set up to max.

Well, you could try this, go into device manager again, and click on the dvd drive, click on uninstall, and then reboot, and see if XP fixes it.

Could this have anything to do with audio codecs?

Could this have anything to do with audio codecs?

Yes, did you update to the new windows media player? do all your windows updates, if you haven't

Its all updated, I ran every update when I installed it. Deleting and rebooting didnt work, still no sound on the DVD. It is odd that its only DVDs its refusing to play sound for.

Ok, let's look in your Windows Media Player, and see what files are checked. Open the Media player, click on the far left button below the now playing, then select plugins/options/file types tab, and try all the various files in

There was three, Nero, MSN and Music Manager. Checked them all as they were unchecked but nothing has worked, lol

Downloading a DVD Decoder, fairly confident this is the problem.

There was three, Nero, MSN and Music Manager. Checked them all as they were unchecked but nothing has worked, lol

I don't see these in my file types.

Ok, I have downloaded the trial version of nvidia and its working now. Silly me, not a sound issue at all instead I had no DVD codecs on here. Anyway thanks again for your help mate, two problems solved that have been bugging me!

I am just happy that you got it going...good luck.

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