i have a P IV 2.6Ghz 512 mb 80GB and Gigabyte motherboard system, with windows 2000 installed.
It worked fine for 2 months, 2day when i switched on my system during the booting process a message came, winnt/system32/config file not found, i tried to repair it but in vain.
I formated and reinstalled with windows 98 se in C: and Windows 2000 in D: Everything went fine, but when i switched back the system after a few hour it showed disk error again i restarted the system this time it showed (ntldir) file missing again i restarted now it was(winnt/system32/config) file missing

I think the problem is with the data cable, wat do u think guys

Is there any solution for this, pls anyon help me, wat should i do

ntldr is the file that triggers the start of windows ... so its always needed to start windows .. you can just insert your windows xp cd in your cd rom and repair windows.

ntldr is the file that triggers the start of windows ... so its always needed to start windows .. you can just insert your windows xp cd in your cd rom and repair windows.

Thanks nanosani, ur the only person who reply to lots of questions, ur gr8, thanx once again, actually the problem was with the data cable i guessed it right, the moment i changed the IDE Bus the system worked fine

Thanks nanosani, ur the only person who reply to lots of questions, ur gr8, thanx once again, actually the problem was with the data cable i guessed it right, the moment i changed the IDE Bus the system worked fine

Thanks for the comments buddy ;)

Thanks for the comments buddy ;)

Dont 4get me, i have lots of queries which i will b posting soon, so will b waiting 4 ur help

Dont 4get me, i have lots of queries which i will b posting soon, so will b waiting 4 ur help

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