hi guys,i have a problem with the cd/dvd...not work......the driver for the cd/dvd rom its nowhere and i cat play any cd or dvd etc. on my computer....

What computer is it? Is it a PC or a laptop? What version of windows are you using?

If you don't give enough information for us to work with no-one will even hazard a guess at what your problem is!

You mean you don't have a slot to put in your dvd or cd. If that is the case just go and buy one and fix it yourself or your dvd or cd can't be read. If that is the case try updating all drivers first

i have a fujitsu siemens laptop,and i use windows vista home premium,the problem is that i cant use nothing(cd/dvd) from some reason i lost the driver because when i insert any cd/dvd it came nothing....like it suppose to open auto play...and when i open "my computer" normal it show your hard disk and the dvd/cd...well to me it show only the hard disk ......i check device manager,all the drivers ok there except i dont see dvd/driver there...

Try update your dvd driver. Second, do a scan for any viruese. You said when you put in CD it can't play it. Right? Try reintall the driver if the update failed. I will take it that you have try other discs and the cd also cannot play. This tells us is the driver problem. Have you got a spare driver. Try changing the dvd driver. After that insert the disc if it can auto play. Done! your problem is solve, if it cannot the problem has to do with software related. We will slowly analyse it. Good luck

What you need to do is shut down your laptop, restart it and go into it's bios to see if the CD/DVD drive appears there at all. I am not sure but I think it's F1 or F2 to enter the bios.

If it doesn't show in your bios then you need to remove and re-fit the CD/DVD drive. There is most likely 1 screw that you have to remove to do this which should have a CD symbol printed on the casing next to it.

If it still doesn't show up after that then you need a new one.

If on the other hand it does show up in your bios then you have a windows problem which is quite common on Vista.

We must determine if it works in your bios as a first step because if it wont work there, it wont work anywhere.

i cant update the driver because the driver its not there,its like u have a computer without dvd player and no driver...to understand better ....i click: START-COMPUTER,when it open normal there it show your hard drive and the dvd/cd rom.....well to me dvd rom it disappear ..its not there,i dont know why,,,,,and i check bios setting but i didnt see any dvd driver there...i cant use OPERATING SISTEM-RECOVERY CD OR DRIVER & UTILITIES CD ..

You need to follow the instructions in my post then!

Just remove the dvd driver and put it back in again. Try that

if u mean to remove the dvd from the computer and put it back that i cant do it,if there is any other way to recover my driver than its ok,if not than i have to go to service...all i need its to find the driver...

The dvd driver is only connected by one or two screw and can be remove and put it back easily. Have you try Rik suggestion?

If there is no driver, there is no way a CD/DVD can be read, download the suitable driver for you PC. Install. Problem solved.

If there is no driver, there is no way a CD/DVD can be read, download the suitable driver for you PC. Install. Problem solved.

why would you even bother posting that ,as its already been said at least twice.

to poseidon32 ,it not hard to flip the latop over and see if there is that one screw in the area of the dvd drive ,if not time to take to the computer repair shop

why would you even bother posting that ,as its already been said at least twice.

Seems you are paying attention to the thread

And actually capperjack about the screw part i have already said. Some case have two screws while most have one. It seems that capperjack is also making the same mistake by repeating the same thing;) Heehe

guys there is to many screws,i try this solution just now but its not work ...i have to open my whole laptop to get to the dvd....its a fujitsu siemens amilo laptop ....this have to many screws...:)

ER its wierd. The Dvd driver slot only have two or one screw unscrew them and you can take out the slot and replace them

Your fujitsu siemens amilo laptop has a plastic plate covering the underside that is held by between 6 and 10 screws depending on model. If you remove that you will be able to access the CD removal screw.

Seems you are paying attention to the thread

And actually capperjack about the screw part i have already said. Some case have two screws while most have one. It seems that capperjack is also making the same mistake by repeating the same thing;) Heehe

i wasn't repeating something you already said !!! was responding to the comment made by the original poster, about your suggestion to removing a screw or 2 ,
quoted below

if u mean to remove the dvd from the computer and put it back that i cant do it,if there is any other way to recover my driver than its ok,if not than i have to go to service...all i need its to find the driver...

i cat get the screws out,i try before,its about 15 screws to open,and its 2plastic plate,one cover the hard driver and the other one...

You will have to take it to a professional then!

Take it to a repair shop and have an expert look at it like what Rik said. He will then help you change it.

I expect the drive will need to be changed. They are notoriously unreliable in that series of laptop. I have replaced several myself.

ok then..

Tell us whether it works;)

commented: Queation was not asked before, and exact model was not given -1

Can you post the exact model number of the Laptop so can advise what screw's or solutions.

commented: It has been said before! -2

its a fujitsu siemens amilo li 1818....

see attachment picture of your laptop
screw #2 to remove back cover ,i will guess screw #3 and maybe #4 to release the dvd rom ,using a dull knife pry the edge of the dvd drive outward to remove it .

commented: Nice, but the handwriting... +8

there is the hard drive in that picture,but i will do one more time ...maybe who knows ......but if u see in this pic. there is a folder under the hard drive were i cant delete it...

Do you have the require permission to delte it like are you the admin or root user?

no,there is no option delete,its open-explore-rename-create shortcut...that i think was made by karpesky antivirus .... but i delete karpesky and that its still there

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