When i go to change my desktop wallpaper,

rightclick desktop going to properties then desktop

how do i stop it showng my pictures in there? i only want the default images.

If you all you want is the blue background, right click on desktop
>properties, the background tab should be showing, in the menu fine none and click on it and ok.

If you all you want is the blue background, right click on desktop
>properties, the background tab should be showing, in the menu fine none and click on it and ok.

all i wanna do is stop images from my pictures from being shown in the list of backgrounds.


I am not sure that , that is possible....sorry.


all i wanna do is stop images from my pictures from being shown in the list of backgrounds.

What pictures are you not wanting to see on the desktop? I thought you were referring to the different backgrounds offered for the desktop. Are you saying that you have added pictures of you own to the background choices offered by Windows?

k its obviouseley not possible, so i just disabled access to it instead, cheers

When i go to change my desktop wallpaper,

rightclick desktop going to properties then desktop

how do i stop it showng my pictures in there? i only want the default images.

U can delete the Image from the list, by search for the Image in these three locations and deleting it

1. C:/Documents and Setting
2. C:/Windows
3. C:\WINDOWS\Web\Wallpaper


First go to Desktop properties and set the image u wanna delete as ur desktop wallpaper, now click on Apply and then Ok

Again go to Desktop properties here the image which u have set as wallpaper is by default selected, now click on browse, it will take u to the folder were the image is stored. Delete the image and close Desktop Properties

Now again go to Desktop properties and check the image will not be in the list

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