I get this error message every time on start up.
Will describe it as best as I can:

Application NDP1. 1sp 1

Error Description Queue Serv Size 2.1KB

Contents NDP1. 1sp 1.
KB2416447_x86_ wrapper log
version bd

As I get this message every day I would appreciate any help in solving the
Each day I send the report to Microsoft, as requested, but that never changes anything.

i googled this from your post ,"Application NDP1. 1sp 1" and found its a windows hotfix ,to do with, dot net framework ,one suggestion was to install latest dot net framework ,would a try cant hurt anyway.get it here ,

are you running window xp sp3

I get this error message every time on start up.
Will describe it as best as I can:

Application NDP1. 1sp 1

Error Description Queue Serv Size 2.1KB

Contents NDP1. 1sp 1.
KB2416447_x86_ wrapper log
version bd

As I get this message every day I would appreciate any help in solving the
Each day I send the report to Microsoft, as requested, but that never changes anything.

Was it software push

Well spotted caperjack!
About a year ago Mickosoft told me that there is a problem with
dot. net Framework after machine refused to accept updates.
They said I would have to reinstall or use Repair part of original disc.
I could not get either to work.
I lose sleep at the thought of doing harm with Install/Repair disc.
Xp is so old now that I don't think it is worth the worry, or the bother.
It is an almost obsolete system, as you know.
Didn't know that the current error messages were related to this problem.
I do have service pack 3 installed.
Think I will work away for the moment as it is only a matter of time before Xp disappears.
Really appreciate your response, and the trouble that you took.
Thanks also to shawn007.

Have decided to try the link that you so kindly provided caperjack.
Only thing is that File Hippo says that a number of programmes, such
as Adobe, need to be updated so I will do all that as well while I am at it.
Many thanks again for your help.

did you try one of the older versions ,scroll down a a bit and try 3.0 or 3.5 maybe

Thanks caperjack.
I am on the Vista machine now, but the Xp machine is deep
into downloading version 4.0 at the moment.
It is a very slow process, and there seems to be updates
to be loaded for it as well.
Will keep you informed of progress.
Getting quite late now, so it might be tomorrow before
I can report any success.
Thanks again.

Download completed successfully.
Went to Microsoft site to check for updates.
There was 4 updates for this but the first one failed.
The other 3 were successful.
The information on the failed one was:
Windows Xp Vista and Windows Server 2008 x 86
KB2416447 failed.
It referred of course to >net framework.

Download completed successfully.

after the download did you run the install of dot net framwork 4.0
the main reason for downloading it direct was to avoid having to get it through windows updates

Went to Microsoft site to check for updates.
There was 4 updates for this but the first one failed.
The other 3 were successful.
The information on the failed one was:
Windows Xp Vista and Windows Server 2008 x 86
KB2416447 failed.
It referred of course to >net framework.

I understood that I did install it.
If there is any problem I will happily run it again.
I am anxious to get it sorted.

Many thanks.
Back to the Vista Machine as I am unable to get the Xp
machine working at present.
All I am getting is the Daniweb page with text on top saying
Mozilla Firefox not responding, and an egg timer.
When the egg timer changes to an arrow I try to scroll the page or whatever but
as soon as I go to do something it reverts to an egg timer again.
This has been happening on start up but never for so long.
Will try to get back to it later today when I have more time.
I don't understand what is going on when that egg timer is busy.
Something is obviously running in the background but I don't think that it is
anything nasty.
I am over an hour waiting to get the system to run.

Xp machine working again, although it has taken over an hour.
Firefox now responding.
Will try the link now and report back.

Said that feature I am trying to use is on a disc which is unavailable.
Asked me to insert .Net Framework disc, but I don't have such a thing.
Finally said that Microsoft had encountered an unexpected error and had to close.
Have to go out now but i hope to get back to it later today.

when you get back try ,try a system file recovery ,going to start /run and type in ,sfc /scsnnow ,note there is a space between the c and /,it may ask for the xp cd

Tried the link again first, but results were the same.
When I followed the above instructions and clicked on
sfc /scsnnow
nothing really happened.
There was a brief flash like you get when you engage chk disc.
Still receiving original error message from Microsoft.

you have real issues with you install of windows /even a virus perhaps .

sfc should have run with out issues .

have you scanned you computer for viruses /trojans lately .
if not ,try www.malwaresbytes.org .run full scan,view rsults/ fix suggested ,and post the log back here .

As it is getting on for 11pm and as a full scan will probably take quite
a while I will leave it until tomorrow.
I will be surprised if it throws up anything as I run a few different scans
every week, though mostly fast scans.
I would appreciate if you could advise me of the best method for posting the results,
and the steps involved.

sir your using window xp..
that window xp is that a original copy that you have been install in your pc..?
so if that is original you can update that xp...
so that your problem will be solve...

or you well reinstall that again.....

Microsoft recommended a re install or repair originally, but I find
the thoughts of that daunting and I am trying to find another
Am currently running a scan to ensure that nothing sinister is causing
the problem.

alwarebytes' Anti-Malware

Database version: 7373

Windows 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
Internet Explorer 8.0.6001.18702

04/08/2011 10:36:02
mbam-log-2011-08-04 (10-36-01).txt

Scan type: Full scan (C:\|)
Objects scanned: 271115
Time elapsed: 2 hour(s), 13 minute(s), 11 second(s)

Memory Processes Infected: 0
Memory Modules Infected: 0
Registry Keys Infected: 0
Registry Values Infected: 0
Registry Data Items Infected: 0
Folders Infected: 0
Files Infected: 0

Memory Processes Infected:
(No malicious items detected)

Memory Modules Infected:
(No malicious items detected)

Registry Keys Infected:
(No malicious items detected)

Registry Values Infected:
(No malicious items detected)

Registry Data Items Infected:
(No malicious items detected)

Folders Infected:
(No malicious items detected)

so no infections found ,not sure were to go from here, as it seems your windows install has many issues ,if it were mine or one i was working on for a customer or friend i would do a repair install of xp.
if your interested info here .

Many thanks.
Really appreciate all your help.
Xp machine may be nearing the end of the road.
Will read up on reinstall/repair and see where to go from
Sincere thanks again.

Many thanks.
Really appreciate all your help.
Xp machine may be nearing the end of the road.
Will read up on reinstall/repair and see where to go from
Sincere thanks again.

good luck ,i did a repair install just last night on client computer ,everything remained the same ,you have to reactivate windows and reinstall windows updates ,in my case the computer went back to sp2,so i had to install sp3 and after that some 93 updates ,but client never lost any personal data ,and it fixed all corrupt windows files and got rid of a black screen bootup

Fantastic that no personal data was lost.
Sometimes I think that I have nothing to lose by trying a repair install because
the machine will be disposed of if it remains as it is.
Still, I lack the confidence to do it.
I may seek out simplified instructions somewhere as I would need to do it in
"very, very easy steps"
Also, I don't own an external hard drive for backing up.
I could read up on that subject as I don't have that much to back up, my
bookmarks being one of my most valuable possessions
One of these days I might get very brave and suddenly decide to have a go.

you could copy your favorites to a thumb drive .using a external hard drive is just a suggestion
good luck

Thank you.

Thank you.

your welcome

An error message alerts users of a problem that has already occurred. By contrast, a warning message alerts users of a condition that might cause a problem in the future. Error messages can be presented using modal dialog boxes, in-place messages, notifications, or balloons.

A typical modal error message.

Effective error messages inform users that a problem occurred, explain why it happened, and provide a solution so users can fix the problem. Users should either perform an action or change their behavior as the result of an error message.

Well-written, helpful error messages are crucial to a quality user experience. Poorly written error messages result in low product satisfaction, and are a leading cause of avoidable technical support costs. Unnecessary error messages break users' flow.

Note: Guidelines related to dialog boxes, warning messages, confirmations, standard icons, notifications, and layout are presented in separate articles.

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