So I'm playing Deus Ex Human Revelution at full screen, and near the end of the game it randomly minimizes to the desktop. I thought it might just be the game, but later on, playing another game, it does the same. Now it does it every 10 to 20 minutes. I don't have any programs running in the background and my CPU and graphics card temperatures never go to high. This only recently started, but apart from Steam, I don't remember installing any new applications.

PS.: When it minimizes, there are no messages displayed or anything that can indicate that another program might be requesting to be on top. What could be the cause of this?

bump...People please help me this is really frustrating, I cant play fast paced games without getting killed

Maybe it has something to do with some programs updating automatically in background which make force minimize on full screen programs like Anti Virus update etc.

Type this on Run > "msconfig" and tap Enter. Then click on startup tab and uncheck any unnecessary startup programs that you know except that run from system32 folders.

You might want to do a malware bytes scan just to be on the safe side although I have never heard of a malware that can randomly minimize screens. Does this happens when you are watching movies ( full screen ) or using other softwares that are full screen. If the problem happens to other softwares, it can be a setting problem.

Thanks flagstar and jingda. I went through every startup program one by one, and when I killed Java running on startup this didn't happen anymore. So it seems to me that Java or it's updater is the culprit. I also scanned for malware, but it seems that my PC is clean.

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