I have a windows 7 operating system on my pc. I am trying to install windows xp using VMware
and everytime i start to boot the guest operating system i get the following error..

PXE-E53 : No boot filename received

PXE-MOF : Exiting Intel PXE ROM.
Operating system not found

Can anyone help me to fix this error...

hi,not quite sure when you are receiving the error ,you say when i start guest operating system ,what do you mean by guest os ,

When i try to install the OS , i am receiving that error . Guest OS is the additional OS that is installed in virtual machine (using VMWare) inaddition to my main OS.

What version of Windows are you trying to install ,and where are you installing the OS from a cd/dvd or file downloaded from the internet

i uninstalled vmware a few months back and only used it a few times ,install 3 different windows versions before i uninstalled .got some errors after installing one of them ,related to using a virtual drive to install winxp files from a iso file.
got the error when the xp files were unmounter in the virtual drive ,

I am trying to install windows XP (sp2) from a bootable CD.

I tried several times and got the same above error message . Even changing the bios settings didn't help.

when you put the xp disk in the drive ,can you see the file on it with windows explorer

what bios setting did you change.

in vmware when you click on the guest operating system ,do you still have the winxp bootable disk in the cdrom drive

This usually happens when you have failed to specify a boot device.

Did you tell vmware (via the settings) to use the physical CD/DVD device on your computer? The alternative is to make an iso file from your XP CD/DVD and make sure it is mounted. Both options are set in the same place. On my version ov vmware (6) you get to the appropriate section by

VM -> Settings

Go to the hardware tab and click on CD-ROM. In the right hand panel you can select (under connection) "Use physical drive" (in which case you select the drive letter of you physical drive), or "Use ISO Image" in which case you specify the iso file you just created.

I even tried using ISO image and there's no use. I still got the same error.
I searched over the web and played with my bios . Even that didn't fixed the error.
But i'm sure that the problem is with bios settings or Vmware bios settings.
Dont know what's wrong.....

(i tried CDROM as first boot device also HARD-DISK as first boot device.) Still no use..

What version of vmware are you using?

Check the link once. It's not working..

do you mean the info in the link is not helping or the link itself isn't working

Try to run everything as administrator. I had problems with VMware and I resolved them by this way.

do you mean the info in the link is not helping or the link itself isn't working

I mean the link is not opening not its content.

Strange..Is it down for me or everyone??.
For me the link is not working but it's up here

I mean the link is not opening not its content.

Strange..Is it down for me or everyone??.
For me the link is not working but it's up here

weird must be a problem with a setting in you browser ,works for me in both firefox and IE9
try this maybe .

You may wish to give VirtualBox a spin. It is freeware from Sun, and you can install using .iso or real physical disks.

I agree that VMWARE should be able to do this, but perhaps VirtualBox may give you the desired result without the headache.

If it says no operating system found..then it must be the cd/dvd/iso.. that is corrupted..try to get a proper xp.. i too hv install xp(but sp3) on vmware wit win7 HE as base OS.. It gave me no problem while installing..

If it says no operating system found..then it must be the cd/dvd/iso.. that is corrupted..try to get a proper xp.. i too hv install xp(but sp3) on vmware wit win7 HE as base OS.. It gave me no problem while installing..

Yes you may be right. I got frustated with those error messages blowing again and again. So i deleted windows 7 completely and installed XP (sp2).

After my work is done , as soon as possible(very shortly) i will again shift to Windows 7 and then i'll try to install the xp using vmware.

But i need to work on some application which unfortunately has compatability issues with windows 7 and that is why i shifted to xp currently.

So again if i install xp with VMware , can i work with that application in full screen mode.?
I mean to say i should do all the stuff within that small window. So is there any way to get similar experience as really using xp.

Yes you may be right. I got frustated with those error messages blowing again and again. So i deleted windows 7 completely and installed XP (sp2).

After my work is done , as soon as possible(very shortly) i will again shift to Windows 7 and then i'll try to install the xp using vmware.

But i need to work on some application which unfortunately has compatability issues with windows 7 and that is why i shifted to xp currently.

So again if i install xp with VMware , can i work with that application in full screen mode.?
I mean to say i should do all the stuff within that small window. So is there any way to get similar experience as really using xp.

not sure about the full screen question ,but ,what version of win7 are you using

not sure about the full screen question ,but ,what version of win7 are you using

I use windows 7 ultimate 32 bit. But how is that related to my problem..?

I use windows 7 ultimate 32 bit. But how is that related to my problem..?

so no need to use vmware ,with the win7 ultimate version you can use windows virtual pc and xpmode., it will run side by side with win7 and you can copy and past between the 2 and much more,i have it installed and can have xp running under or beside as depicted in the attachment

from this like check off ultimate 32bit and you language and download recommended files

Oh. Is there option to make the xp full screen?

Oh. Is there option to make the xp full screen?

yes it runs full screen i just had it made smaller to show it was running along my opened win7 browser at the same time it was install some windows updates and updating the security essential i have install on it ,i had not had it running in awhile

Ok then.Thanks for helping me out...

your welcome ,any questions on setting it up [like how much ram you want it to use and other settings]after the install just post back here

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