SPECS: I'm running Windows 7 on a Gateway slimline computer.

There is a thread similar to this, but mine is a bit different:

BitDefender has an option to clean the registry and -- theoretically -- make the computer faster. However, I ran it and it claimed there were a series of entries that were not necessary so I deleted them (as it suggested). Now, every once in a while, the computer freezes up and I get the error message "Windows Explorer is not responding" with the options to either close, restart, or wait.

Can anyone figure out what to do about this? I like the idea that the registry is cleaner, but I obviously don't want the error popping up all the time.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

hi, i don't use bitdefender but most programs that edit the registry also make a backup so you can restore it back if a problem occurs,so somewhere in bitdefender you find a place in settings or somewhere like that to restore it back

Thanks for that. Unfortunately, that doesn't work unless you've previously made a back up, which I haven't. BitDefender doesn't back-up things automatically unless you tell it to.

Thanks for that. Unfortunately, that doesn't work unless you've previously made a back up, which I haven't. BitDefender doesn't back-up things automatically unless you tell it to.

that why we don't recommend people use registry editors as there is no proof they actually help speed up a computer , you should always back up the registry if you find it necessary to edit it .
perhaps you could do a system restore back to the day before you ran the scan with bitdefender ,it may or may not help

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