My desktop system is shutting down automatically witout any message. It happened after I enhansed the ram to 2 GB. I need help to solve the problem please.

It happened after I enhansed the ram to 2 GB

Make sure that ram card is placed in the slot properly. Try booting into safe mode .

Will the computer boot up with the original ram?

try to remove newly installed ram and put it back the old one, see if the problem will occur again if not so your new installed ram is not compatible to your motherboard...

My question to you just the opposite, I can not automatically shut down, not off, do not know why?

My question to you just the opposite, I can not automatically shut down, not off, do not know why?

Then start a new thread. you have a different problem, you should post a new thread with your problem, not everyone else's

My desktop system is shutting down automatically witout any message. It happened after I enhansed the ram to 2 GB. I need help to solve the problem please.

to the OP:
Please let me know if it is still a problem.

If it is, you should clarify:
is it just cutting off and restarting, or does it go through the whole shutdown sequence properly?

If it just Randomly reboots, then
1. the Ram you have put in is faulty, AND
2. Your computer is set to "sutomatically reboot on system failure" - which is hiding the fact that you are getting a Blue-Screen-Of-Death.

Let me know if you want any help...

Dear I think your Processor is heat up so remove your processor heat sink & use paste...

I hope your problem is gone....

Dear I think your Processor is heat up so remove your processor heat sink & use paste...

I hope your problem is gone....

Theoretically possible, but not very likely. He didn't have any issue prior to his replacing the RAM, he replaces the RAM, then has issues.

In reality, putting more RAM in a PC take the load OFF a CPU, (less moving and caching data) so it should be cooler, if anything.

We need to wait for the OP to reply to the question (that I asked) about whether it is an "instant off" or a cyclic reboot before we know whether it is hardware or software.

If the OP doesn't reply, then he has already found his solution, and hasn't come back to say thank you. Either way, more 'solutions' are not going to help until the OP helps us to further identify his problem.

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