Hi! I m using windows 7 and my laptop is lenovo thinkpad edge.The startup process is very slow.There appears a black screen at startup and it takes approximately 5 minutes to come to the wallpaper screen.My computer is also working slow..plz someone tell me the solution.

1) See the startup programs...Close all the startup programs..
Type msconfig ...go to Start Up tab and there close all the unwanted services...
2) Imcrease ur RAM

You probably do have a lot of applications trying to start up during the booting process. However, if the computer is still slow after everything has been loaded, then your hard drive may be fragmented which would slow down the PC.

To check and defrag the drive, click on start, double click Computer, right click your C: drive, properties, Tools tab, Degrag Now button.

It's just what I noticed on my own desktop PC the past few days, with the same Win 7. I cannot say I pinpointed the cause, but the problem was pretty much solved with a torough reg cleaner and antivirus scan on the boot sector, plus I disabled the run on startup option of Skype and G Talk (the only apps I had with this option). I did have some malware, this is probably what caused the issue. Good luck to you too!

You don't say whether he balck screen is before or after the Windows logo. If it is after the logo, then the previous solutions apply ie 'clean boot' etc.

If the black screen is before the Windows logon, you could try "System Properties", "Advanced", "Startup and Recovery". Check how long/how many seconds have been allowed for alternative operating systems and to display recovery options.

Just a thought......

The black screen is after windows logo.I have tried defragmantation but it hasn't solved my problem.

I also have lowered the number of programs at startup but still the problem is not solved

hey you have to clean your registry that is the main problem to slow down your PC.
Even not that as others said limit your start up programs..
and your root partition (C:/ Drive) have enough spaces.(20% of C:/ drive)
Try to do it add post the feedback that you faced...

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