IDM boosts the download speed. Is there any software that does that for browsing? Like an addon for chrome, firefox? If not, why is it that IDM can download at a good speed while the browser cannot download the webpages fast enough?

First of all you should know that IDM is a software specifically designed to boost download speeds upto 5 times faster i.e. Divide Downloads into Multiple Streams for Faster Downloading. Description is Click Here

Next Thing is sites that you visit are also visited by other users at the same time so loading can sometimes take some time.

Description is Click Here

Hope this Description helps you.

PS: Also check what Internet Speeds you are currently subscribed to.

IDM is a speed booster for downloads. It divides the downloading streams into different streams. This enhances the downlaod speed upto 5 times. Also the websites are the common medium for all users. Its obvious that so many users are also accessing the same website at the simultaneously. Which degrades the webpage fetching speed.

commented: Supported this point :-) +2

Before I give my opinion on that, let's look at how downloads occur.

Your computer requests a file from a remote computer

The remote computer sends the file via TCP/IP. This protocol has resend logic built in such that packets that are not received or are corrupted are resent. The protocol also ensures that the sent packets are reconstructed in the correct order.

The speed at which the file is transferred depends on several things such as

  • the speed of your internet connection
  • the reliability (noise, etc) of your internet connection
  • the current load on the sending computer
  • the current load on your computer

If your connection is maxxed out (perhaps you are running a bittorrent) then your download speed is limited by that.

If the sending computer is maxxed out (either serving other users or doing some other task) then your download speed is limited by that.

If your connection is very noisy and packets are continuously being resent then your download speed is limited by that.

In the case of bittorrent transfers, faster download speeds are achieved by dividing the requested file (or files) into pieces. These pieces can be downloaded from multiple servers (thereby avoiding the server-under-load problem). This requires some coordination so that all of the other bittorrent clients can send different pieces at the same time. Note that if your computer was the only one running bittorrent software you would get absolutely no use out of it. It would be like being the only person who had a telephone.

So how might a remote server speed up a file transfer?

  • send a compressed file rather than an uncompressed one
  • split a file into pieces and send the pieces over multiple connections

Well, most files available for download are already compressed to some degree. Music and picture files have their own compressed format and would not benefit from further compression, and many other files are already zipped (or tarred or whatever). And splitting a file into pieces requires that the software on both ends knows what is going on.

Now consider a remote site that is serving up files for download. Is it likely that it would allow one user to open multiple channels at the expense of other users? In fact, a remote server would likely take steps to prevent this (by limiting connections to one per IP address). Is it likely that it would repeatedly (once for each requested download) compress a file before sending?

So a download manager cannot impose a protocol from one end (the user end) only. A download manager cannot improve speeds by forcing the remote server to compress the file before sending. A download manager cannot force a remote server to open multiple channels (at least not if the remote server has any sort of smarts). A download manager cannot force a remote server to slice up a file and coordinate the reassembly upon receipt.

The one thing a download manager might do is allow an interrupted download to be resumed.

So in my opinion, no download manager is worth the money.

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