Hi all,

I just purchased a new laptop with genuine windows 7 product key and I also purchase a windows 8 upgrade.

I am not sure how well I will like the new windows 8, so I am thinking that I want to install another windows 7 on my other partition and use it to upgrade to the windows 8. As a result, I will end up with windows 7 on one parition and windows 8 on another partition.

I am wondering if I can use the same product key to install the windows? I have heard that windows with the same product key might get flagged from microsoft system and maybe blocked from future update and benefits.

I will not use the product key on other pcs or laptops only on this machine. Could anyone please help me out and provide the information?

Thank you very much.

I would suggest that you consider another alternative to the dual-boot system. This configuration will "lock" you into a corner and could cause you pain during future upgrades.

If you are interested in a "test" system, I would suggest that you simply install a virtualization app on your primary Windows 7 computer, then install a Windows virtual guest system. Both computers can be up and running at the same time. You'll have a lot more flexibility with the guest VM.

With regard to the product key and serials, it all depends on the license agreement. Some agreements allow for Windows to be installed on two system (primary desktop and laptop), while others allow for multi activation.

In your case, this may not be so. If you do a dual-boot, you should be OK, because from the OS perspective, it will look like the same machine (same hardware), so this can be considered like the scenarion where your host OS, just needs to be re-installed.

Back to the VM scenarion, if this is for testing, you could always download trial versions and just delete the VMs after you are done with testing and this design will keep your host computer in a simple configuration without the complexity of the dual/multi boot design.

Else you can just put an image of your first Windows 7 onto that second partition [it will be keyed and activated, so no worries there], from your original W7 delete the W7 image's HKLM\System\Mounted Devices key (load/unload its system hive to do that), reconfigure the boot manager of your original W7 installation (via msconfig) to allow booting of either installation. Boot to the image and then upgrade it.
No need to set the second partition active. You cannot have both W7s running at once. And no concerns re licensing.
That may sound complicated, but it takes around 20mins, not including the upgrade bit.

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