I have a rather large Excel spreadsheet. What I would like to do is "fix" the leftmost or topmost columns on the screen as I scroll horizonally or vertically.

So, in other words, if I have 10 rows of various accounts with 200 columns each, I want to be able to see which account I am dealing with as I scroll horizontally into column 150.

If you want to fix column A and Row 1 then select Cell B2 and then go to Windows Menu and select Freeze Panes. It'll freeze the first row and the first column of your worksheet.

try using Filters while working with larger excell sheets. It will cut out alot of the confusion. i hope that helps

Thanks for Help.

I was facing a great difficulty. Now I am relaxed.

try using Filters while working with larger excell sheets. It will cut out alot of the confusion. i hope that helps

thank you for your question. it was my problem, too.:)

thank you so much; It's very helpful

I have excel file which contains 4 column ut when I open that file In my computer all of four columns showed in one column for example (a) .how can I separate this column data to their original fourth column .note this file has saved in csv format.please help me .tanks

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