Hello, I'm not very computer savvy and was hoping I could find someone to help me with this problem. Whenever I go to a webpage that has music in the background or some type of flash, a box pops up and asks to run activex. I click the OK button and then another box pops up and says that IE has encountered a problem and needs to shut down.

I have run a complete scandisk and removed the spyware. I have changed the security settings to enable activex controls and I still have this problem.

Does anyone know what I can do to fix this? I would greatly appreciate any help.

Thank you,


use firefox browser instead of ie ,is a quick fix ,link in my signature

Probably the best way is to avoid the active X. Another problem could be that the Active X is curropted or has a virus on the server side. To turn off Active X, Under, tools >> internet options >> advance Tab, remove the check to allow active X.
All Active X is, it's an external program that runs on the browser, IE only, sometimes Active X can be malicious.

Thank you for your response. I went to the advance tab but didn't see anything for active x. The only ones I found were under the security tab, custom level. It has several places to choose enable, disable or prompt.

I have chosen all disable before but that didn't stop IE from shutting down. Neither did setting all to enable.

I went to a site that had a way to show if active x is properly installed and it said it was. Is active x a program that can be removed?


Thank you for the response. I'm not the only one that uses this computer so I will check with the others. I've went to the link you provided and have been reading about it. Do you use Foxfire? Are there any major pros or cons to it compared to IE? Can it be removed if necessary?


The quick answer is that FireFox offers Tabs (instead of opening a separate window for every website you visit, it opens tabs in the window you are in-- I hope I am clear in this.) The advantage of Tabs is that if you are doing research on a couple of topics you can have one window open that is all the sites you are visiting that are about adding graphics to your website and the other window could have tabs for all the chat,blog.forums that you visit. You only have 2 windows open but could be on 20 different websites - way kool.

And you can add extensions that do things for you but that is getting ahead of the learning curve.

The best reason to use FireFox is that it does not have a the holes in it that ie does and most hackers are still hung up on attacking ie.

To add to above ,I do use it as my default browser and have been for about 2 yrs now ,tabs are so great that they are in IE 7 Beta.
[had that on but uninstalled it next day .]
I like and use the multiple homepages on Firefor i use 5 homepages all in there own tab, all open when firefox is opened .
as for removal ,yes just uninstall it through add and remove programs .

Hello, I'm not very computer savvy and was hoping I could find someone to help me with this problem. Whenever I go to a webpage that has music in the background or some type of flash, a box pops up and asks to run activex. I click the OK button and then another box pops up and says that IE has encountered a problem and needs to shut down.

I have run a complete scandisk and removed the spyware. I have changed the security settings to enable activex controls and I still have this problem.

Does anyone know what I can do to fix this? I would greatly appreciate any help.

Thank you,


I too have the same problem and none of the repair software seems to work. It only occurs with Int Explorer and not the others.

I too have the same problem and none of the repair software seems to work. It only occurs with Int Explorer and not the others.

Not true - I am trying to help a friend solve this very problem - and it is happening almost identically with firefox as well as IE - in fact sometimes when you are trying to load firefox it will start IE instead according to the system process information - but since the program stops immediately upon starting I don't ever get to find out what interface I will recieve.

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