PC spec

I have dual core processor 1gb RAM 240bg HDD... I'm using dual boot with ubuntu


I installed Windows 8 after that 8.1...

My Problems

I have the same problem from both of them...

Problem 1

After I boot machine I saw only a blank screen for long time, after some more minits I reach the login screen...

Problem 2

After login the system don't show DVD drive

Problem 3

I have installed windows temp activator kmspico but my windows was not activated.

What I do?

Why are you attempting to activate Windows with KMSpico? Please be aware of the forum rules.

It's difficult to say what might be causing the long boot time, the possible causes are too numerous. Although a slow boot and missing DVD drive might suggest some common factor like a driver for the ATA controller. See if you can find or generate a boot log and check it for errors. Let us know if you see anything unusual.

blank screen is unusual...

what is forum rules?

did you try downloading drivers for the DVD rom or check in device manager on the windows install to see if it is showing the drive at all?

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