every time I restart it hangs after the boot screen with a blank screen my keyboard lights all turn on and everything is unresponsive.
when I restart from there I get the boot selet screen that asks if I want safe mode.
I first instictivly choose last known good settings. - same deal
so then I choose safe mode and restore to an earlier date, doesnt matter what date I choose or what installs I choose to have undone it almost always works correctly after that.

and then next time I restart the same thing happens again

any ideas...

I had this sort of problem recently (not on 64bit OS standard 32bit but maybe that's not relevant here). It was windows update trying to install latest critical patches in the background. So I did the restore thing like you and booted, first thing I did after that was launch IE and selected windows update from the Tools menu and went through a manual update. After that no more problems.

will try.... updates soon...

... edit... seemed to work for now
will keep posted if it turns out to be a fluke
thanks for the advice

No problem. If it is solved and you come over all warm and fuzzy, you could click that little link that reads "Add to hollystyles's Reputation"

It's up to you.

Try Unplugging All Added Hardware.ie:printers,scanners,webcams.take It Down To Bare Bones:kbd,mouse,monitor.if Your Kbd,and Mouse Are Usb,unplug Them As Well.if Pc Boots To Windows Fine,plug In One Removed Device,then Restart,and Continue On Untill You Find Boot Problem.if It Is Added Hardware Causing Issues,reinstall Original Drivers For Offending Device And Retry.process Of Elimination May Take A Bit Of Time,but Usually Worth Effort,at Least You May Be Rid Of Idea That Hardware Is Causing Issue.another Thing,if External Parts Are Not Creating Issue.you May Want To Ensure That All Internal Parts Are Tight In Thier Respective Spots.reseat Ram In Dimms,reseat Ide/sata Cables For Hdd,optical Drives,reseat Pci,pciexpress Cards,agp Cards,etc.

Good Luck

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