I want to be able to start these offline, so others don't see the automatic *x has signed in* messages and then I can choose whether or not I go on-line, or block or whatever. This would be useful at home on MSN6.1 but even more useful in work Windows Messenger 4.7

I have tried MSN Plus, but that doesn't seem to give this availability either...

Can anyone give any ideas as to how I might acheive this please?


go into the options menu. next to the "start with windows" check box you should see a check box for "sign in automatically". If not look around its in there somewhere.

Sorry, I obviously didn't make myself very clear - starting MSN isn't the problem - but I Want to *appear offline* when I am running - rather than alert people that I have logged in, and then chosen to not be on etc. Does that make more sense?

Sorry...apparently the people that made MSN do not want you to login as "appear offline" but that is for a good reason afterall, because everyone would want to login as offline and it defeats the purpose of the messenger program.

I want to be able to start these offline, so others don't see the automatic *x has signed in* messages and then I can choose whether or not I go on-line, or block or whatever. This would be useful at home on MSN6.1 but even more useful in work Windows Messenger 4.7

GAIM can do this.

GAIM can do this.

I'm working with gaim and I have never been able to find this option !

Can you help me ?
Thank you very much !

there is a program that will do this for msn 6, i cant remember what its called but if you search h**p://www.mess.be im sure you will find it

Maybe you should consider upgrading to Window live? I have windows live and I can sign in as offline, and talk to one person, without any of my contacts but that one know I'm appearing offline. I am also resonbly sure that this works with the verson below window lives aswell.


Before you log on exit MSN Messenger ..right click on the icon bottom right and exit

Then if you want to chat open MSN Messenger from program file log on see who is online and change your status to offline and then select the person you would like to talk to.... Hmmmm why are you hiding ? If you dont want that person in your contact list just delete the contact.

South Africa
MSN Messenger = xcellpro6@hotmail.com

oweri02 i know excatly what you mean!! I want the same thing!! For all those people that dont understand try having a mother that is always sending messages when ever you are on the internet, maybe just trying to search for something quickly, something for work.... and you get a HEEELLLOOO!!! Then if you try to ignore its ANYONE HOME??? HEEELLLOOOO???? And all you want to do is quickly check your emails and go to bed but you get stuck there for hours. Ok once in a while but every night????? I know i should click out of it everytime it starts but always forget cause i dont use it that often then you get the "did she see me??? Oh no i cant log off now she will know??" I have a very nice mum which i dont want to hurt her feelings by saying, "You Chat too Much and I Have a Life and Cant Talk To You EVERY Night."

So which one can i download (free if possible) so it wont automatically sign me on when i jump on the net for a few minutes.

hey dont any of you guys realise that Windows Live Messenger (succesor to MSN) can do this? - you can get it from microsoft

screenshot enclosed

hey dont any of you guys realise that Windows Live Messenger (succesor to MSN) can do this? - you can get it from microsoft

screenshot enclosed

Thanks Guys! Windows Live works like a charm :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

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