I just got my computer back after he wiped everything and reinstalled Windows XP Pro. I know nothing about computers. When I go to any web sites with animations, they don't show up and on the bottom of the page is a little thing that looks like a piece of paper with a yellow triangle on it with an exclamation point on it. When I click on that, it says:
Line 5 Char 11 Error Object required Code O URL---(lists the site).
When I go to the same places through my AOL account or on hubbys computer, the things are animated. I do a lot of Paint Shop Pro and need to be able to see animations when I'm posting to groups.
Second, when I try to shut the computer down, I keep getting a box that IEXPLORER.exe won't shut down. I have to go through it 8 or 9 times to get the computer to shut down. I need help and computer guy isn't helping.
Thank you for any help you can give me. I don't know how to show the stuff on my computer like I see.

Are you completely up to date with it's software?

Yes, I checked and I have all of the Windows XP critical and other updates on the computer

Do you have SP2 installed?

I'm going to assume you do, since you stated you are up to date with all updates.

Here are a couple of things to try:

Go to Start->Run and type in
sfc /scannow

then press enter.

This will check to see if any Windows system files are corrupt and replace any that are.

If this doesn't fix your problem, open My Computer in Explore view and go to


Find the file ie.inf

Right-click on this file and select install

This will reinstall internet explorer.

Let me know how that goes for you.

Do you have SP2 installed?

I'm going to assume you do, since you stated you are up to date with all updates.

Here are a couple of things to try:

Go to Start->Run and type in
sfc /scannow

then press enter.

This will check to see if any Windows system files are corrupt and replace any that are.

If this doesn't fix your problem, open My Computer in Explore view and go to


Find the file ie.inf

Right-click on this file and select install

This will reinstall internet explorer.

Let me know how that goes for you.

I do have SP2 installed. I had a young man come over to help this senior. They do have great minds for these computers. After trying all kinds of things that I have no idea of what he was doing, for over an hour, he finally came to the conclusion that it was my Zone Alam blocking them. He turned off the ad blocking feature and all the animations are now showing. I have no idea what that would have to do with it but it worked. Thank you so much for your help. Every grandmother needs a grandson locally or really nice neighbors like I have. I just can't seem to understand all these programs and how they work. In case anyone else has an odd problem like this, and you have Zone Alarm, check the ad blocking feature.

Ah...I see.

I did a little further investigating and found this:

If your Privacy Settings on your firewall (ZoneAlarm) do not allow animation, you won't be able to enjoy them. To "unlock" animations, open the Zone Alarm control panel, go to the "Privacy & Ad Blocking" settings, and on the Ad Blocking tab, go to the "Customize" section.

There you will find a series of check boxes. Merely uncheck the block on Animations. You can still leave blocking on all Pop-Ups and other Ads.

I don't use ZoneAlarm, but this should at least keep its functionality while allowing you to view animations.

Thanks The young man did it for me. Now I know where to find it in case I go somewhere new.

Find the file ie.inf

Right-click on this file and select install

This will reinstall internet explorer.

Let me know how that goes for you.

I have 3 IE related "inf" files


Which one would i right click and choose INSTALL?? (I have been thinking of trying it maybe)

Im on 98se using IE6 :)

If you don't find it in C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386, go to

You are looking for ie.inf

I searched for "ie.inf" but i dont have it..

That's unfortunate.

You can download IE from the Microsoft Website

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