will windows run on 640 of ram?

will windows run on 640 of ram?

what version of windows !!
winxp =yes
win98= not sure , issues over 512 and may even get running out of ram errors
same for any older version

Edit= just found this again , about over 512 with win98 .

Sorry, but do you mean 640 MB or 640kb. If its the latter (which I am guessing it is,) then no. Windows needs a minimum of 16MB to run. And Windows 98-higher needs a minimum of 64mb

Sorry, but do you mean 640 MB or 640kb. If its the latter (which I am guessing it is,) then no. Windows needs a minimum of 16MB to run. And Windows 98-higher needs a minimum of 64mb

Never even though of it like that ,my first computer,a 486 had 4 megs of ram and ran windows 3.11

well i once had 3.11 on like 4 megs and 98 on like 12 so it must be possible to run something on it.

I should be able to upgrade it to 10 soon (found some really old ram)

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