I have a laptop that I dropped and my hard drive started making noises. I ended up having to buy a new HD. I loaded windows xp home. I loaded all my software and updates from windows update. I have done this 3 times now and when I visit certain websites, my iexplorer cpu usage goes up to about 98%. I have reserched everywhere to find a solution and haven't found one yet. I know I don't have a virus or spyware. I just can't figure it out. I am running

Intel 1.73 Ghz processor
1 GB of Ram

I just can't figure this out. Can someone help? If you need to know anything else just let me know.

Thanks in advance, Charles

First of all, iexplore is Internet Explorer, just so you know. As for why it's taking up so many resources...it could be that it is infected with some kind of spyware or someting. The first thing I'd do is run both Spybot Search And Destroy and Adaware and se if they find anything. If they don't, you might think about trying another browser, such as Firefox.

Lose IE. Forget it. me and all of my friends (about 50 of them) all agree that Internet Explorer is THE most unsafe browser you can use. Go with Firefox :D


Secondly, the usage of CPU goes up depending on what the computer needs to display. Flash objects, for one, can drive a cpu up the wall.

Lose IE. Forget it. me and all of my friends (about 50 of them) all agree that Internet Explorer is THE most unsafe browser you can use. Go with Firefox :D


Secondly, the usage of CPU goes up depending on what the computer needs to display. Flash objects, for one, can drive a cpu up the wall.

I have run spyware programs and nothing found. I tried firefox and on the webpage that I am talking about, it still does the same thing. The page loads up, it is just lagging. I never had this problem until I had to get a new hard drive and loaded it with my software. I have tried reloading it twice from scratch and still does the same thing. I don't understand why it worked perfect before and now it doesn't.

from Task Manager, when your iexplore CPU usage rockets, what does the network usage indicate concurrently?

from Task Manager, when your iexplore CPU usage rockets, what does the network usage indicate concurrently?

I don't understand what you mean but when I go to a site like myspace, my cpu usage goes up to 98% and it is the iexplorer that is at 98%. Also trying to do more than one thing at once is painful.

The task manager also has a networking tab. What gerbil meant was when your iexplore.exe process starts chewing through the CPU cycles, are there any spikes in your network usage?

The task manager also has a networking tab. What gerbil meant was when your iexplore.exe process starts chewing through the CPU cycles, are there any spikes in your network usage?

When my iexplorer starts using up my cpu usage, there are no spikes in the network tab.

Can the video fan cause this problem because I just done a diag test with my utilities cd and got an error with my video fan?

If you are lagging when you load sites and not when ever IE boots then I would try deleting all your cooking an miscanious files, it helped my system.


wait a sec...is that iexplorer or iexplore? iexplorer is some kinda spyware. Internet explorer would be iexplore (without the 'R' in the end)

After working on this for 2 or 3 days, I remembered that I had gotten an Diag dics with my computer. I ran it and found out that my video card fan was out of wack. I replaced my fan and video card in the laptop and that fixed everything. Thanks for all the help.

-these things never fail to amaze me. thank you for that reply. I am not sure how it ties in, but i suppose it came down to page presentation.... although why it would not exhibit the same symptom with a game or similar high vid usage process is beyond me. Cheers.

-these things never fail to amaze me. thank you for that reply. I am not sure how it ties in, but i suppose it came down to page presentation.... although why it would not exhibit the same symptom with a game or similar high vid usage process is beyond me. Cheers.

I don't know how it ties in either but the fan was working at a much higher rate than it was intended for. So I am assuming that when I went to certain websites, the computer was trying to compensate for the high usage of the fan, therefore locking up all the cpu usage. It may have had the same symptoms with other things, but I don't play games on my computer. So what I learned was, don't drop your laptop(lol).


microsoft's Internet Explorer is called iexplorer, not iexplore. Are you refering to iexplorer exe file name? where is iexplore.exe file?

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