I have a problem where i will be working away at my pc and for some reason the screen just goes black. The PC doesn’t reboot or crash and is still running but the only way to fix the screen is by hitting the re-set button. On rebooting no error message comes up, the problem is especially bad when i try and play a game (Command and Conquer Generals) the pc will load the game and as soon as game is about to play, the screen will go black. I have run several different memory tests and all show no problem. I have had a couple of error reports after crashes saying that i have bad memory sector and need to run the test, but its a no show. Does any one have any ideas, could it be a driver conflict, there is a D bracket with 4 diagnostic LEDs on the pc but I’m not sure how that works, Any help appreciated. The pc is operating on xp with 512 mb ram and an onboard G force 2 graphics card

Your reference to the problem occuring when a game starts makes me suspect that you've forgotten to install the motherboard chipset drivers. Without them, even though you have your didplay drivers installed there'll be no AGP 'bridge' in operation. 2D will work fine, but as soon as a call is made to a 3D function, the system will crash.

Don't rule out a memory problem however. If that 512Mb is a single, unbranded module, or even worse two unbranded 'generic' modules from different manufacturers, you may have a compatibility problem with your motherboard. With onboard GeForce2 display circuitry, that's an nForce1 chipset motherboard you have there, and those are particularly 'touchy' from the reports I've seen. Make sure your BIOS is updated to the most recent version for your board.

If you do have two mis-matched memory modules, and you've eliminated the chipset driver possibility, try using just a single memory module in Slot1 to see if that improves stability.

Thanks for that, any idea how i would find out if the chpset drivers are installed and where i would get them from should i need them

Have you any idea what your motherboard details are? If you give me an indication of the make and model of the motherboard, I can easily find a link to the relevent drivers for you.

Unfortunately if you've actually omitted to install them, and Windows hasn't installed a 'generic' driver, then you've later installed the display card driver, things can be a bit 'messy'. Under these circumstances, it's best to format and start over fresh, installing the motherboard chipset drivers before any others.

For now though, Right-click 'My Computer' and choose 'Properties'. On the Hardware tab, bring up 'Device Manager'. Expand the section denoted 'System Devices' and see if there's an entry there such as "PCI to AGP bridge' or similar. If there isn't, you've got problems for sure!

Download and install Belarc Advisor www.belarc.com/download and run it to see if the report identifies the make and model of your motherboard. Alternatively use a different tool such as SiSoft Sandra to identify it with. Alternatively, open up the system case and see if there is any identification printed on the motherboard.

Report it back when you know more.

Thanks for that, unfortunatly i had a majour crash last week (pc ) and ended up reinstalling everthing. The good this is that everthing now seems to work with no problems, thanks for you help and now i at least know where to start looking should it happen again



Have you any idea what your motherboard details are? If you give me an indication of the make and model of the motherboard, I can easily find a link to the relevent drivers for you.

Unfortunately if you've actually omitted to install them, and Windows hasn't installed a 'generic' driver, then you've later installed the display card driver, things can be a bit 'messy'. Under these circumstances, it's best to format and start over fresh, installing the motherboard chipset drivers before any others.

For now though, Right-click 'My Computer' and choose 'Properties'. On the Hardware tab, bring up 'Device Manager'. Expand the section denoted 'System Devices' and see if there's an entry there such as "PCI to AGP bridge' or similar. If there isn't, you've got problems for sure!

Download and install Belarc Advisor www.belarc.com/download and run it to see if the report identifies the make and model of your motherboard. Alternatively use a different tool such as SiSoft Sandra to identify it with. Alternatively, open up the system case and see if there is any identification printed on the motherboard.

Report it back when you know more.

i was checking my e-mail one morning as i usually do and my screen went black. i still can't get a picture. the computer was used a great deal in the previous days by a friend who downloaded a great number of files.

please help.

I am having a similar issue. I turned the cpmuter on last night and withing a couple minutes the screen went black. If I turn the screen off and then back on, the image is there for maybe 30-45 seconds then it goes black again. Do I need a new screen?? If it's a setting or something else, how do i fix it if it goes black before i can do anything??

scubette, if you post on a solved thread you are liable to get missed. No charge to start a new one... :)
Anyway, what are we talking, LCD display? If so, in a darkened room when it goes black can you see faintly the displayed image? If so, it's the LCD backlight failing, or its power supply. Totally black and it could be the main power supply in the display, or a driver chip overheating. Whatever, it is a service call.

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