I have been trying to run scan disk and degrag the computer and it says that theres something running and i click ctrl alt delete and theres a few things there but only what needs to be, theres nothing up and running. what do i do?/ someone please help me.

Many programs, even legit ones (anti-virus software for example), can write to disk at random times. This will often cause disk maintenance programs to give you a warning to that effect, or to just restart their entire procedure from the beginning if they sense a change to disk contents in the middle of their run. As caperjack said, running in safe mode can often get around this.

What exactly do you have running? Post not only your running programs, but running processes as well.

I have been trying to run scan disk and degrag the computer and it says that theres something running and i click ctrl alt delete and theres a few things there but only what needs to be, theres nothing up and running. what do i do?/ someone please help me.

ok so you are a little confused ,me to !!
Anyway its quite simple reboot you computer hitting the f8 key until you get the choice to choose safe mode ,when in safe mode simply run you scandisk and then defrag programs .

Another explanation on how to get into safe mode .

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