Does anyone know if Windows XP fully supports USB 2.0 yet? What about the mobos and USB PCI cards that are out claiming to support USB 2.0?

I dunno....All my usb devices work with it...

I installed linux b4 usb was part of the kernel...what a mistake! especially since my only way onto the net was with a usb -> ethernet card

First of all... why do you connect a network card through usb? You use a laptop or desktop?

Second... i think heard microsoft released a patch for it, but still, i don't think i saw any products that support usb 2.0 yet

Soon to be till the end of this year and the start of the new year USB 2.0 I will the only way to go in USB. Soon everything will support it.

But what do you use that needs 480 mbps transfer rate!! that's faster than firewire!!

Funny how you said that because about 2 years ago when 16MB Video Cards were out I was telling people I cant wait for a 128MB Video Card and people were telling me how pointless that was but soon to be Doom 3 is coming out and I heard you need at least 64MB of Video Ram.

Also way back in the days people always saying how 32MB of RAM was way too much. Something to think about soon USB 2 and a lot more shit will be out like 10GB of RAM or we will call it something else.

Did you know there is Wireless BroadBand yes wireless cable.

World is getting out of hand soon everything you own will be wireless and soon we all die from cancer to the head.

I read in PC World that the USB 2.0 drivers will be included in Windows XP SP1, due out over the summer. (i read it in my doctors office)

But what do you use that needs 480 mbps transfer rate!! that's faster than firewire!!

I use an external USB 2.0 hard drive for back-up purposes.

Windows XP SP1 Supports USB 2.0

I recently upgraded my computer with a new motherboard and CPU, and the motherboard I have now has USB 2.0 support built-in. Therefore, I'm no longer using the BusLink usb 2 card that came with my BusLink external hdd. :)

I'll take it :-P (but then again, I'll take anything!)

Did you know there is Wireless BroadBand yes wireless cable.

YES! Actually, I believe they're starting it in Nevada and Florida in some cities already...its called IPWireless....thank god for TechTV...guess we're gonna have to wait it out.

This is different than a wireless home network, right? This is a wireless WAN?

Its more like high-speed cellular connection...

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